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Is this wrong of me?

65 replies

peggotty · 20/04/2007 17:39

My dd is 2.2 and is on her way to giving up the daytime nap. She won't sleep in her cot during the day anymore, or her pram. The only place she falls asleep is in the car. We're usually out until after lunchtime and then drive back home, this is when she falls asleep. I leave her out in the car until she wakes up. I can see her from the living room window (have tiny front garden) and the car is locked. This is ok, isn't it?? People used to leave babies out in the garden in prams I suppose...

OP posts:
twentypence · 21/04/2007 08:24

I know someone who left her twins in her locked car and went to watch a tennis match - I was at that.

But on your drive on a quiet street - I have done this with ds, but towards the end (he gave up sleep at 18mo - I could move him to his cot and it was okay.

I usually had a cup of tea in the room near the car, then hung some washing out near the car and then did some weeding near the car.

belgo · 21/04/2007 06:53

surprised at your h's reaction and the NSPCC.

But I suppose the NSPCC see so many people with no common sense that they eer on the side of caution.

earlgrey · 21/04/2007 06:44

This was (one of the many) bones of contention I had with H. Used to pick up dd1 from nursery, drive round and round till she fell asleep. She needed to sleep but only the motion of the car would get her off. Left her in the drive, which is right in front of our living room. Can't remember if it was winter or summer but would have adjusted the windows accordingly. Checked (looked out of the window) every 5 mins. H said this was tantamount to child abuse.

So, I phoned up the NSPCC and asked them what they thought, and they bloody well agreed with him! Well, they said it's not something they'd recommend and would look into it if they heard it was going on

belgo · 21/04/2007 06:36

My dh sits in the car and reads a book when the girls are asleep. But we live on quite a steep hill so I'm worried about dd1 getting out of her car seat and knocking the hand brake.

I was annoyed when another family member left my baby in the car on her own when she was supposed to be babysitting. And not even in a place where she could check on her through the window.

Twiglett · 21/04/2007 06:33

I have friends who do this but I never would as I don't have a driveway .. I just carry her in and let her sleep on the couch

but I think its one of those things where you do whatever you feel comfortable with

SofiaAmes · 21/04/2007 05:53

Wouldn't leave my dd, much less anyone else's dd in the bath alone at 2. I think that's truly dangerous.

maximummummy · 21/04/2007 01:10

but i dont think this is wrong of you

your kids your rules

maximummummy · 21/04/2007 01:08

i wouldn't leave my dog in the car

so i wouldn't leave my 2yr old in the car

Tinker · 21/04/2007 00:57

I do this but only now we have a drive.

nappyaddict · 21/04/2007 00:51

do you have a porch then? i leave ds in his pram under our canopy type thing out the front.

clairemow · 20/04/2007 21:02

done it lots of times, car on the drive, windows open for air. Only if I lock mine and they breathe, the alarm goes off, so can't lock it - but it is on the drive, and I can sit in the window in the lounge about 4 feet away. Also used to drive with DS1 until he fell asleep, then park up on the common and get my deckchair and book out.

Also, if he falls asleep in the buggy, I leave it in front of the door, and again go and sit in the window of the lounge.

Don't see any problem if you can see dd and the car, and there's air. Probably not a good idea on a hot day in the sun though.

NotQuiteCockney · 20/04/2007 20:57

Oh, no, I wouldn't do it with anyone else's, either, I don't think.

(Although I did end up leaving a friend's DD in the bath yesterday. I did a lot of running back and forth, as she is 2. )

hana · 20/04/2007 20:23

god no, just with my own!!

nappyaddict · 20/04/2007 20:17

although i wouldn't do it if i was looking after someone else's children esp if i was a cm or a nanny. i can see how it might not go down too well.

SofiaAmes · 20/04/2007 20:17

I do it all the time. But make sure that you leave a window open and if it's warm outside leave several car doors open. And if it's hot (above 75) don't leave her at all in the car.

hana · 20/04/2007 20:15

we dont have drive, terraced street in quiet residential area

nappyaddict · 20/04/2007 20:14

would anyone do it if they lived on a main road or didn't have a drive?

hana · 20/04/2007 19:22

dd1 - I sat in car with her until she woke up
dd2 I sat in front garden usually on front step waiting
dd3 am in house and look out window every now and then

rabbleraiser · 20/04/2007 19:11

The only problem I can conceive of (and it's worse case scenario), is that if you leave your windows open for circulation, it makes your car easier to break into .. and believe me, car thieves don't give a damn if there's a sleeping babe in the back.

Mine (2.5) goes off in the pram if I time it right, but they're all different, I know.

dingolimpet · 20/04/2007 19:06

I do this all the time, but i do have a little drive in a cul de sac, it is starting to get a bit hot though which is a pain.
I'm sure even if someone called social services, they would have much better things to worry about

JoanCrawford · 20/04/2007 18:54

niceglasses, am thrilled you think so. Was going to change it. You've saved me the ag of thinking up a new one!

MrsCellophane · 20/04/2007 18:19

Am in exactly the same situation with DS2 and gladfully leave him in car on drive. Used to leave him in back garden in pram too. Don't worry about it - let your common sense prevail.


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unknownrebelbang · 20/04/2007 18:10

(oops I meant the obit of common sense).

unknownrebelbang · 20/04/2007 18:10

Sounds that that needs a thread of it's own.

peggotty · 20/04/2007 18:10

WOuld someone really call ss if they saw that the mother was checking regularily, and even sitting next to the car in hot weather and all the windows were down..?

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