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does anyone know .......?

9 replies

ratclare · 20/04/2007 14:02

My son is slightly overweight ,possibly more than slightly ,and i was wondering if anyone knows where i can find out his correct weight to height proportion ,so i can help him get to a better weight ,he is 12 nearly 13 . We arnt going to diet ,we are going along the no crap food and more exercise route

OP posts:
elasticbandstand · 20/04/2007 23:06

hav eyou not got your red book, since birth, that has charts up to the age of 18

Hathor · 20/04/2007 22:55

I mean diet.

Hathor · 20/04/2007 22:55

Find an active activity he likes now and sensible dieat and you will give him the gift of a healthy life.

fizzylemonade · 20/04/2007 22:52

Hi, I don't know if this applies to children but the BMI can be misleading, it may not be the case with your son but as muscle weighs more than fat an athletes BMI can seem high despite him being very trim and healthy.

Scales that tell you what your body fat content is are better apparently. Saw a program about it on TV. Argos sell some for £25 or there abouts.

I think diets get a bad press, ie diet just describes what you eat, the healthy eating thing is a good idea and more activity. See if there is anything exciting to do near you like skiiing or something a bit out of the ordinary. Good luck.

ratclare · 20/04/2007 14:49

he is unhappy about his weight and its difficult to buy him trousers and shorts because he isnt tall (average height) but he has a 30inch waist. he also worries about his 'man boobs' ,if you saw him walking down the road in his school uniform you wouldnt think oh my god look at that obese child or anything but if hes unhappy i want to help him. Thanks everyone for all your help ,i just need to remember what i did with the bathroom scales !!!

OP posts:
singingmum · 20/04/2007 14:13

I would not worry.My Ds age 12 was a tubby up untill last summer.We thought he'd end up a tubby teen, however he will be 13 in august and we suddenly realised that all the puppy fat dissapeared.No idea where it went though.
We think it's puberty thats done it.He has a tash and hairy legs also and his voice is breaking.So don't worry just talk to him about eating healthily and allow only a controlled amount of crap at any one time.

CristinaTheAstonishing · 20/04/2007 14:08

Here's one I found growth chart

Seems to be a recent one (2000). It's from the US, I don't know if that makes a difference.

You have the right idea trying to do something about his weight if you think it's a problem and excellent that you're starting with healthy food rather than a diet. Good luck. Have you checked with a GP too? Do they think it's a problem?

WigWamBam · 20/04/2007 14:08

There's a children's BMI calculator here

mumblechum · 20/04/2007 14:07

Go to the BMI (Body Mass Index) site - through Google, put in his height and weight and it'll tell you whether he's still in the healthy weight bit or not.

My son sounds exactly the same, he took his shirt off last night and he has a really wobbly tum (takes after his mum).

The BMi thing said he was still in approp. range, but I'm going to start cutting out the huge amount of biscuits, cakes etc he gets through.

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