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What is it like with a 5-6yr age gap? Honest answers appreciated.

29 replies

Mrstumbletap · 29/05/2017 18:55

Hi all, about to send first one to school in September and it has me thinking is it time for another?

I think it's so nice when they are potty trained, can talk, put their shoes on and sleep at night time.

Would we be mad to go through all the craziness of sleepless nights and nappies again with such a big gap?

Are they likely to be friends/get on as the gap is so big. Will the little one demand so much attention the bigger one misses out? Will DH and I essentially have to parent separately as one of us will be putting a baby to bed while the other helps with homework?

I need honest advice from you more experienced mumsnetters.

OP posts:
DrEllie · 30/05/2017 16:53

There are 7 years between my two daughters and, on the whole, it has been lovely. A few teenage tantrums from DD1 about little sister annoying her and trying to hang around with her friends. It wasn't that hard to go back to the baby years and although she doesn't babysit much DD1 is doing it tonight so DH and I can celebrate our anniversary :-)

unapaloma · 30/05/2017 17:28

Age gap of just under 5 years here, and I'd recommend it!
You have time to do baby groups with younger child without worrying about entertaining the older one, and mine hardly ever fought, as they didn't want the same toys.

The only slight issue, as others have said, was the difficulty finding organised activities when we were out, that they could both do.

Also, take care not to expect the older child to be an extra parent, they're still little themselves - mine quite often took pride in helping with younger sibling, but i tried not to expect this of them.

kel1234 · 31/05/2017 00:29

I wouldn't say it's such a big gap. We have a 21 month old, and don't want another until our 1st at school, so 4/5.
There's a 10 year gap between my and my brother and a 20 year gap between me and my sister, (I'm 24, my brother is 14 and my sister is 4, now that's big gaps)

Mrstumbletap · 31/05/2017 21:33

Wow, I thought there might be some more negatives, but it seems the mumsnet jury is saying it's a positive thing. Ahhhh am I going to have to go and get pregnant again?

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