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Should they share a bedroom?

13 replies

pipnchops · 18/03/2017 14:39

I have two DDs, 2yrs apart in age. DD2 coming up to six months, still sleeping in our bedroom at the moment. DD1 sleeps in small bedroom next to ours, in cot still. There's a third bedroom/dining room which is next to our living room (we live in a bungalow). I can't decide whether to move DD1 into the bigger room or whether to make that room into a playroom and put both girls in the small bedroom next to ours. It's just big enough to fit in a cot, toddler bed, wardrobe and drawers. WWYD?
Reasons I'm leaning towards playroom and girls sharing is because the third bigger bedroom is so close to the living room so we'd have to be very quiet once she's gone to bed.

OP posts:
Freshprincess · 18/03/2017 19:39

I have twins and they shared till they were 8/9 ish. It worked out well as all the 'big' toys had gone so we didn't need a toy room as such.
And they'd started to disturb each other at bed times.

Cosmicglitterpug · 18/03/2017 19:32

I've got four bedroom and my two DDs share aged 2 and 3.

Kahlua4me · 18/03/2017 19:28

My 2 shared for a long time and were happy. DS was 3.6 and dd was 6 months initially and finally had their own rooms when DS was 8. No issues at all and they never woke each other up.

Sounds like a fine plan to me!

pipnchops · 18/03/2017 19:24

Thanks all so much. It's unanimous!

OP posts:
Cutesbabasmummy · 18/03/2017 19:21

My friend has done this with her 1 and 2 year old (yes they are less than a year apart in age!!) and it's worked really well x

Ecureuil · 18/03/2017 15:31

We have a 4 bed house. We have us in one room, 2DD's (aged 3 and 1) in another, a guest room/office and a playroom. Works fine for us! If they don't want to share when they're older then they don't have to.

Niks2026 · 18/03/2017 15:29

I have 2 daughters and they chose to share and have a playroom. Worked really well. They don't disturb each other at night and I love being able to share stories with them both at the same time and being able to shut the mess in the playroom :)
I'm due baby 3 in 6 weeks so the playroom is now gone and the girls aren't fussed that all the toys are now in their bedroom now. I will move in the next 3-4 years to give them the option of their own rooms again but if they are happy sharing then they can have another playroom. Give it a go, what's the worst that could happen.

sunshinesupermum · 18/03/2017 15:17

Put them together while they are so little. Keep the other room for a place to keep all their stuff.

mineallmine · 18/03/2017 15:17

*put, not pit

mineallmine · 18/03/2017 15:16

I'd pit them together for a few years anyway while they're still playing with dolls and buggies because those things take over your house so at least there'd be somewhere to park them. I've one dd aged 6 and she has 3!!! buggies, a cot, car seat, baby swing.... It's all ahead of you! Then when they get past the stage of those big toys, you can give them each their own room.

Jellybean85 · 18/03/2017 15:15

Tons of kids have to share and it's totally fine! Especially when they're so young. Plenty of time for their own rooms when they're older! The play room gives them space to play and like pp says keeps mess out of sight. Seems like a great idea while they're small Smile

pipnchops · 18/03/2017 15:11

Thanks, I'll give it a whirl then unless anyone comes along saying its the worst idea ever! Friends irl seem to think I'm crazy to put them in together if I have the option not to.

OP posts:
MaisyPops · 18/03/2017 14:43

Sharing sounds fine to me.
Plus the playroom means some of the kid mess can be out of sight out of mind when people visit.

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