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How the hell do I crack the dummy ?!

27 replies

usernoidea · 16/01/2017 14:46


I'm so angry with myself for giving my son a dummy. I was so against them before I had him as I knew they'd be tricky to wean him off but at night I'm currently up around 20 fucking plus times putting it in and I'm on the edge!

Do I just go cold turkey with him to break this cycle?

Please be kind and give good advice as I am not being that rational at the moment!!!

Thanks for reading x

OP posts:
RubyWinterstorm · 17/01/2017 07:39

If he wakes you up 20 times anyway, I'd go cold turkey as you've nothing to lose anyway!

It may be 3-4 tough tough nights but then you'll be rid of this thing!

LauraLovesDaisy · 17/01/2017 16:57

No specific advice but wanted to say good luck and hope this gets resolved for you both soon!
My daughter has several dummies all called "Gary". This is because sometimes when she cries it sounds like "Ooh Gary!" Grin she spits hers out once asleep though. Good luck!

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