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Help to boost 8 year olds self esteem

3 replies

Stickytoffeepuddings · 29/10/2016 09:37

My DS is 8 and is really struggling at school specifically with spellings, he has ended up with the same spelling sheet as his sister who is 3 years younger. He isn't stupid at all but just struggles with spelling, this situation has left him utterly de morilised wrt all his school work and is very upsetting for both of us. Just looking for any tips please, thanks

OP posts:
Stickytoffeepuddings · 29/10/2016 23:57

Ah thank you Threeschools, will repost, I have wondered if he was dyslexic, my brother and I are, but he was assessed when he was just 6 by an educational psychologist and was found that he isn't.

OP posts:
Threeschools · 29/10/2016 23:07

You could also post on the primary education topic in Education, I think there is more traffic

Threeschools · 29/10/2016 23:06

Could it be dyslexia? It can affect self esteem big time, there are some screening tests on the internet you could do and if positive talk with your school, they may have suggestions.

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