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Unisex dressing up box

2 replies

n0ne · 14/08/2016 12:53

I'm looking for a set of costumes age 3+ for my daughter that aren't just princess gear. I don't mind a couple of girly bits, but it'd be awesome if there was also a pirate, doctor, knight etc. Everything I've seen is pure princesses (with horrible little plastic heels! ). Even a 'boys'' dressing up box would do, but I haven't found one. Anyone?

OP posts:
newtothenet · 14/08/2016 13:06

I'm putting one together for my three year old daughter for Christmas. I've got a few 'costumes' from NCT sales and charity shops (fireman, native American, pirate) but mostly have bought items that can be used imaginatively - so flat cap, men's work shirt, shopkeeper's apron, chef's hat, fancy ladies' hats, old dresses / nighties of mine (including a red regal silk chemise thing), beret, 'fur' stole, plastic beads, turquiose top that looks like a surgeon would wear, glasses without lenses (cheap sunglasses with lenses popped out), bags, purses, old loyalty cards, old keys, 'dummy' mobile phones.

I just need to look for a big storage box now!

NapQueen · 14/08/2016 12:56

Just buy individual items.

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