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Can you get three high back booster seats in the back of a car?

18 replies

Stillbloodyfat · 03/04/2016 18:39

Going out with a friend tomorrow and I'm a bit nervy about car seat safety!

OP posts:
AngelBlue12 · 04/04/2016 11:25

You can get 3 in a VW Golf mark4, Vauxhall Zafira, Alfa Romeo 156 and Landrover Discovery :)

KayJBee · 04/04/2016 11:23

We have 3 hbb in a row in our Toyota verso. I don't think there are many cars that will fit 3 in the back though unless they are people carriers.
If they won't fit, I'd put the oldest child in the front (in the hbb) and the narrowest adult squashes between the two seats in the back.

NicknameUsed · 04/04/2016 11:07

I couldn't in my Honda Civic.

Drmum123 · 04/04/2016 10:59

Can in my zafira..but I have to pull side car seat (high backed booster) half out clip safety belt in...then shove car seat back in and tell them to breathe in!

uhoh2016 · 03/04/2016 21:45

I can in our Picasso it has 3 full size seats across the back

Sometimesithinkimbonkers · 03/04/2016 19:26

We can in our Galaxy!!

musicinspring1 · 03/04/2016 19:16

I can . But I have two narrow hbb and a large car (grand scenic) that has three individual seats in the back. I couldn't in my previous car that was a bench seat type arrangement .

ceeveebee · 03/04/2016 19:15

Depends - you can in a few of my friends cars, they are big 4 X 4 Mercedes or volvos

MagicAlwaysLeadsToTrouble · 03/04/2016 19:10

Britax adventurers is also a narrow one.

We can do it but have a large car that we bought just to be able to fit 3 car seats in Ford S max

NotCitrus · 03/04/2016 19:07

If you choose narrower options for hbbs. (Vauxhall Omega experience)

Onepot · 03/04/2016 19:04

Yes....just with a bit of clever jiggerling, middle seat clipped in first then then the other two....and i have a small car, but although its small it is quite wide! What are your seats and what is your car?

Bogburglar99 · 03/04/2016 19:00

Never managed it yet in a Yaris or Prius. Might be possible in some people carrier types. Otherwise depending on age of children you might:

Put oldest in front seat (if you can turn off passenger airbag). Small adult (if you have one) squeezes in between two seats in back.

Try one on booster cushion in middle.

Take two cars. Terribly frustrating but often seems you just have to!

ShelaghTurner · 03/04/2016 18:56

Not in my Focus or Focus estate

Ilikesweetpeas · 03/04/2016 18:45

In not on!

Ilikesweetpeas · 03/04/2016 18:45

Not on my fiesta!

tilder · 03/04/2016 18:41

Depends on the car and the car seats.

Sirzy · 03/04/2016 18:40

Will depend on the type of car and the seats

LIZS · 03/04/2016 18:40

Depends on the car and whether you can access the seatbelt sockets.

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