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has anyone successfully overhauled their parenting?

27 replies

SausageSmuggler · 30/12/2015 21:51

There's a lot I hate about my parenting and would like to change but in the past I've tried doing things differently and just slipped back into old habits. Nothing worrying - my 3 DC's are all clean, fed and happy. It's things like I know I shout too much then tell them off for shouting at me, I'm addicted to my phone and find it almost impossible to put it to one side completely (writing this while the kids are in bed). I'm not consistent enough with discipline and I'm seeing it come back to bite me in the arse. There's other things too but you get the gist I hope.

I want to be a better parent but it's become such a big thing in my head I don't know where to start or how to sustain it.
Has anyone managed to overhaul themselves as parents and managed to keep it up?

OP posts:
thelittleredhen · 04/01/2016 12:55

I'm a very shouty mum. Have the "How to Talk..." book but have not gotten past Chapter 3. Need to revisit it for sure.

Considering having a device ban reading this thread - it's just DS and me in the house and we spend far too much time on screens when we could be playing, reading etc.

ohtheholidays · 08/01/2016 09:46

I've just found this thread,thanks for starting it OP.

Family life has been stressful for us and it feels like we've been stuck in Groundhog,we start of with good intentions and then life happens and it all goes out of the window.

I've been loosing my patience and that's something that used to hardly ever happen.My DH has become really shouty and miserable.Some days it just feels like our 5DC are ganging up on us.

It's been made more complicated for us all because 2 of our DC are autistic and a year after we had our youngest DD8 I suffered brain damage and became disabled.

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