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Best waterproof mattress protector for single bed?

4 replies

teacher1984 · 21/12/2015 14:31

Night time potty training starting here soon - where do I get a good waterproof mattress protector for a single bed?

Thank you!

OP posts:
teacher1984 · 21/12/2015 21:21

Thanks ladies! Smile

OP posts:
TurduckenForDinner · 21/12/2015 18:42

I have Hippychick ones, and they have worked well.

A good tip (that I got from Mumsnet) is to make up the bed with a protector and a sheet, then another protector and sheet, so that if you need to strip the bed in the night you don't have to go rooting around in the cupboard for the sheet.

wonkylegs · 21/12/2015 18:35

I've got 2 from asda - the more expensive one has a terry cloth upper and is fab, the cheaper one works fine but rustles a lot

TheWordOfBagheera · 21/12/2015 18:30

Hippychick ones are fantastic and not at all plasticy - Amazon sell them.

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