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Parenting guilt - turns out I sent DD to school with tonsillitis can you top that?

44 replies

Definitelynomore · 31/01/2015 16:37

Looking for some reassurance from MNers: yesterday Dd (6) spent breakfast time whinging and complaining of non-descript ailments. Shoved some calpol into her and packed her off to school; she was in tears when I picked her up at 3 at which point I begrudgingly said (still not convinced) that she could skip tap class. After a sleepless night DH suggested we should taker her to the dr and it turns out she's got tonsillitis. How crap is my poorliness radar and how guilty do I now feel? Has anyone else done this (or worse...)?

OP posts:
givemushypeasachance · 01/02/2015 19:03

When I was little I used to tell my parents that sometimes my heart would beat really quickly, but it would go away when I went to bed. They said "of course it does, dear" and ignored me, as you would. It wasn't until it happened to be racing when I was visiting the doctors for something else, and the GP couldn't count my pulse as it was going too fast, that they realised I might not have been talking nonsense. Turned out that I had a heart condition and had to have beta blockers and eventually ablative surgery... I like to remind them now and then of how neglectful they were, when I'm digging for sympathy. Grin

TRexingInAsda · 01/02/2015 15:47

I sent dd in, she got sent home, turns out she had pneumonia! Oops.

blondiewoowoo1 · 01/02/2015 15:33

DH was moaning he felt really ill and so me being an unsympathetic wife told him to go to the Dr's then but had to do it now as I was meeting a friend later (was too ill to drive apparently)
He was discharged from hospital 12 days later after being in with meningitis...... Yep, i felt such a shit wife!!

Fadingmemory · 01/02/2015 05:20

Treacle, many years ago now I sent DD to school with chicken pox. Another child who caught it passed it on to her father who was then very poorly. His pock-marked face at the school gate ignited the guilt, often.

Katekoom · 01/02/2015 04:02

Oh and another, my SIL sent her dd to school with na broken finger. She's an intensive care nurse.

Katekoom · 01/02/2015 04:01


Katekoom · 01/02/2015 04:00

My mum has done a few corkers, her best was when my brother dislocated his knee, she heard this noise outside like a mooing and thought it was a cow so just ignored it. It was intact my brother shouting muuuuuuum in absolute agony, she'd left him there for a good ten minutes.

Also just a few days ago she accidently used dettol surface wipes on my newborn.Ooops!

Kewrious · 31/01/2015 22:57

DH is a medic so makes this worse. DS has an exceptionally high pain threshold. Anyway, when he was 18m he had a few days of slight temperature. Packed him off to the childminder. One evening I noticed his temperature was rising and then in the next half an hour his skin became mottled. Rushed to A&E where they diagnosed a throat, chest and ear infection. A very very bad one. In our defence he was fine, eating a bit less but I thought he was just a little bit under the weather. As is the case in winter. And I thought that perhaps he was teething. The medics who saw us in the hospital couldn't believe how sick he was but did admit that he was remarkably cheerful. Since then at the first sign of illness I rush him to the GP and he is almost always quite sick before his physical symptoms show.

lecherslady · 31/01/2015 22:47

I sent my DD to gymnastics training for a week with a fractured ankle. That was over 18 hours of high impact training. Boy did I feel guilty about that one Grin.

Then DD2 hurt her hand in soft play. I told her to stop being a wimp. Got it checked out the next day as she was still moaning - and sure enough another fracture!

At least by the third fracture, I'd realised that I needed to take her to hospital :-)

Ziggyzoom · 31/01/2015 22:45

I sent DD to sports day with 'a bit of a cold'. She went to hospital that night and spent a week there with a-typical pneumonia! Blush

Mrsj70 · 31/01/2015 22:42

My ds complained of sore ankle after rugby tournament. No swelling so I sent him into school then on to rugby training. Turned out the ankle was broken...oops

Nevercan · 31/01/2015 22:25

I sent my DD5 to school with bad ear infection and got a call to say her ear was oozing - I was mortified! She just said it hurt s a bit!

Definitelynomore · 31/01/2015 21:51

Lovin the much repeated - and justified - "in my defence"... I have no defence. DD didn't even TRY to get a day off school. That in itself should have set the alarm bells ringing! Kind of like catch-22 but with childhood illness instead of insanity. And school instead of the army.

OP posts:
Ratbagcatbag · 31/01/2015 20:21

I made dss throw a javelin in an athletics comp, with a broken thumb. I thought he was just being dramatic. (Oops)

nousernamesleft · 31/01/2015 20:17

ds spent all morning moaning about a sore tummy, but ate his breakfast so I packed him off to school and may have told his teacher he was at it
Phone call from school at 10.00 am, can you come collect him, and, on your way, pop by Mrs x's house and collect the change of clothes her daughter will have ready, as your ds threw up all over her Blush
Two nights in hospital later he was back to normal. Whoops.

Manyproblemsinthishouse · 31/01/2015 19:58

My mum sent me in with tonsillitis and told me to stop moaning and take some calpol. The teacher didn't believe me either and once she took a look at my tonsils and saw how big/swollen they were and called my mum who begrudgingly look me to the gp who then called the hospital and got me in 3 days later to have them removed! I still haven't forgiven her. And she promised ice cream after - I got toast.

I also broke my toe carrying some equipment for the school, there were no teachers present at the time so my friend (who dropped on 2 not on 3!) went and got a plaster for the blood, I begged to go to the doctors. It seeped through in seconds and when she came back to the medical room the floor was covered and my bone was out, I had broken it and been sat alone for 30 mins!
I will always believe my dd now if she is sure there's something wrong!

AlmaMartyr · 31/01/2015 19:56

Mum didn't notice my broken arm for 2 weeks. My high school failed to notice my broken finger and on another occasion, a head injury that permanently damaged my sight. I got very grumpy with DS for refusing to walk a couple of years ago until I noticed he'd damaged his foot and his toenail had fallen off. Looked very painful!

samithesausage · 31/01/2015 19:45

I was 8, and got pushed over in the playground. Dinnerlady took one look at my arm declared it not broken. Went home. Complained about it for three days. Mum eventually took me to the GP (because I wouldn't stop moaning), who sent her to hospital. Turned out to be a fracture!

Another one, I was having stomach pains for about 5 days, unable to keep anything down or in. After about 2 days of not eating or drinking I get taken to the GPs. He tells my mum it's urgent, and I need to go to A and E. He rings the hospital who offers an ambulance, and the GP says "oh no, they can get there by themselves".
I had 2 bus journeys and a walk in agony just to save money.

hodgepodgepanda · 31/01/2015 19:26

It took me just over 4 years to realise that Ds could not see out of his right eye , 2 years later & he now has to wear jam jar thickness glasses and an eye patch Blush

Ds was in my bed one morning and the alarm clock went off & scared the he'll out of him which resulted in him falling out of bed , he got back up and back in to bed and we went back to sleep , it wasn't til I woke up again that he had a big gash in his head that ended up needing 9 stitches

3littlebadgers · 31/01/2015 19:21

I also had a broken arm for the best part of a week! My mum just said it was a bit bruised and gave it a vigorous rubbing. I have forgiven her. Don't worry dc will forgive you too Flowers

spiderlight · 31/01/2015 19:18

At least you didn't inflict the illness on her. I had to collect DS from school after he had thrown up all over his teacher and most of the IT Suite. Got him home and discovered that somebody had put a yoghurt in his packed lunch that was ten days past its use-by date. Hadn't they, DH?

FuckYouKatieHopkins · 31/01/2015 19:13

I told teenage DD to cheer up and stop fussing over a bit of period pains on a long coach journey. The next day she was rushed in for appendicitis!

I also sent her to school with a fractured arm. But she hadn't mentioned it at all that morning!


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vvviola · 31/01/2015 18:33

Sent DD1 to school with chickenpox (unintentionally - saw the first spot the previous night but thought it was an insect bite, she got herself dressed in the morning so I didn't notice the new ones).

Also sent her to school with tonsillitis and strep throat.

And delayed bringing her back to the doctor when she had a reaction to the antibiotic she had for the tonsillitis. (Thought it was possibly scarlet fever - which has the same treatment as she was already on).

In my defence: DD1 is a spectacular drama queen - we get wails and screams for a slightly bumped knee. But when she's actually sick she barely complains, until she is really really bad.

SewingAndCakes · 31/01/2015 18:17

I have two examples Blush

Ds2 fell off a trampoline and hurt his arm. He was upset for a while and had to lie down but perked up after a bit. The next day he was holding his arm in a strange way and my mum suggested I took him to the minor injuries unit, where he was x-rayed and it turned out he had a fracture.

Ds3 was quiet and felt a bit warm when he was 2 weeks old. The next day he vomited and my friend made me take him to the doctor, who looked at him and sent him straight to a&e. He had viral meningitis! 2 nights in hospital and lots of IV drugs sorted him out.

Kim82 · 31/01/2015 18:10

My then 5 year old dd walked round with a fractured wrist for 2 weeks(!) without me realising. In my defence, it wasn't swollen and she could move her fingers fine and she only complained about it every now and again. I thought it was just sprained and we only took her to hospital as she fell and landed on it 2 weeks after the initial injury and the blood curdling scream she emitted made us get it checked out. The X-ray showed she had a fracture that was a couple of weeks old and had started to heal. I felt so guilty!!

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