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Do you buy Wellies a size larger (and use wellie socks?)?

7 replies

QTPie · 11/10/2014 20:19

Someone mentioned this approach to me (buy Wellies a size larger and use with wellie socks to begin with), to make them last longer. Does anyone do this?

DS needs two pairs of Wellies: one to keep at school and one for home. So am wondering if I can get them to last longer...

OP posts:
BikeRunSki · 11/10/2014 20:24

I find that my children's feet tend to grow over the summed. I buy new wellies and welly socks in the autumn. Once the weather is warm again, we don't need the socks anymore, and the wellies fit for longer.

QTPie · 11/10/2014 21:37

Thanks BikeRunSki

So if your child was measured today and was a size 9 (wide), what size would you buy now?

OP posts:
SweetPeaPods · 12/10/2014 05:40

This is what the lady in Jo Jo maman bebe recommended. Buy the next size up to wear with welly socks over the winter. Then come spring when weather warming up and feet grown take socks out and they will still fit hopefully

BikeRunSki · 12/10/2014 18:37

As it happened, she was measured last week as a 9. I bought her wellies with her wearing wellie socks. They are also a 9, but big on her. They are Spotty Otter wellies (which are fantastic btw).

QTPie · 12/10/2014 18:49

Thanks ladies :)

I was planning to buy DS Hunter Wellies (he has had them for a couple of years now) and they tend to be a lot cheaper online - so wasn't planning to try them on (just order them). Will have a think. I suppose if I buy 10s and they are too big, I could put them away for a while.

OP posts:
Pregnantagain7 · 12/10/2014 20:20

qtpie if you're buying hunters get the correct size as they come up really big. All my dcs have them and I find they come up a size bigger. And yes to the wellie sock thing my dd2 is a 10 and her 9s still fit her with the socks in.

QTPie · 12/10/2014 22:16

Thanks pregnantagain7. :)

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