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Infant gaviscon for reflux. Any experience?

15 replies

guthriegirl · 25/07/2014 15:11

My DD is 14 weeks and had been diagnosed with reflux. We've been given infant gaviscon and although it had reduced the number of times she vomits throughout the day it seems to have caused frequent runny nappies. She also seems a lot more cranky. Is this normal? I thought treating the reflux would reduce her tummy pains but it seems to be having the opposite effect. Any experience of this?

OP posts:
QueenofKelsingra · 26/07/2014 08:48

my GP prescribed it but he is a peads specialist who has converted to general practice. My friend's baby also had it and she had to battle to get referred to a consultant at the children's hospital to get the ranitidine - she says if it wasn't for me being certain her DS had reflux and me knowing about the available drugs she would have been palmed off with 'its just colic dear' from the GP - like mine, her DS was like a different baby on the ranitidine.

for constipation, a teaspoon of orange juice will usually sort it (yes, yes, virgin gut etc but this is what my peads specialist advised for constipation caused by gaviscon and it worked and no lasting damage)

Edinburghmummy12 · 25/07/2014 23:32

I don't know if your bf or bottle but if bottle try Sma stay down my dd had bad reflux that ended her in hosptial and it helped big time

pickletalk14 · 25/07/2014 22:33

Another experience of constipation here and that was using it only once a day. Dread to think what would have happened at 6 times a day?

Treesandbees · 25/07/2014 20:56

Same here. Gaviscon did nothing except caused awful constipation! Ended up changing Doc surgeries to find a more sympathetic and clued up GP. Ranitidine prescribed straight away and it did the trick. My DS is still on it and almost 1 years old although he will come off it soon. I found once they can sit up and you start weaning that helped. Also consider a sleep wedge as that made a difference too (until he was rolling around).

smokeandfluff · 25/07/2014 20:50

Found gaviscon useless as well. Ranitidine worked much better. Ds s reflux was caused by an intolerance to the milk protein in normal formula and he neededa hypo formula

beccajoh · 25/07/2014 19:46

Gaviscon was useless. Ranitidine is the mutts nuts.

SugarPlumpFairy3 · 25/07/2014 19:45

Yes, my dtd was prescribed it at 5 days old. It worked immediately and she took it until she was 6 months. It had the opposite effect on her and it made her slightly constipated.

stargirl1701 · 25/07/2014 16:35

Yes, GP prescribed. I had to see 6 GPs in 8 consecutive days to get it, mind you. We did need a referral to prescribe the next meds.

MrsHerculePoirot · 25/07/2014 16:29

Those of you that got ranitidine, did your GP prescribe it? We have been on infant gaviscon for three weeks and it has more or less stopped working, went back today and GP said to continue with it for now and see what happens over the next week... She implied I would have to see a specialist to get anything else,

QueenofKelsingra · 25/07/2014 16:26

as stargirl gaviscon worked for a couple of weeks then stopped so we got ranitidine - after 3 days of it it was like having a different baby. just remember that the dose is weight dependant so you need to keep uping the amount as baby grows to keep it effective (my gp forgot to mention this bit!)

guthriegirl · 25/07/2014 15:32

Oops. Don't know how that happened.

OP posts:
guthriegirl · 25/07/2014 15:31

Thanks. Will try that. Feel as if I'm never away from the GPs these days. The joy of having children I suppose.

OP posts:
guthriegirl · 25/07/2014 15:31

Thanks. Will try that. Feel as if I'm never away from the GPs these days. The joy of having children I suppose.

OP posts:
guthriegirl · 25/07/2014 15:25

Thanks. Will try that. Feel as if I'm never away from the GPs these days. The joy of having children I suppose.

OP posts:
stargirl1701 · 25/07/2014 15:15

Yes. We went back to the GP and got Ranitidine instead.

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