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what to put baby to sleep in

20 replies

butterfly86 · 24/07/2014 20:43

Our dd is 5 weeks old and we've been struggling to decide on what's right to dress her in for bed in this hot weather, we can't get our bedroom below 24°c so the last couple of nights she has slept in just a vest and we have been using a muslin as a blanket but she wont have a blanket on at all even when its been cooler she gets angry and kicks it off. We've just bought a 0.5 tog sleeping bag I'm not sure wether to put it on her yet and if we do what to put underneath a vest or just a nappy? She is generally a warm baby too. Any advice much appreciated!

OP posts:
butterfly86 · 25/07/2014 21:28

trilbydoll dd wakes every 2 hours to be fed too! Eye bags like suitcases lol Grin

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trilbydoll · 25/07/2014 11:50

DD is in a 0.5tog grobag and a nappy. Tbh she is a bit hot until about midnight but if I don't put the bag on she doesn't go to sleep! She is 14mo.

At 5 weeks I would def aim for too cold rather than too hot. I think this time last year DD was in just a best. She woke up every 2h for food anyway, it didn't seem to matter if she got chilly as well!

Sapat · 25/07/2014 11:37

I put my 9 week old in nappy and short sleeve vest, with a heavy cotton blanket. A few weeks ago I put him in long sleeve pj with just a nappy.

notaflamingclue · 25/07/2014 09:28

It's 27 degrees when DD goes to bed and she sleeps in just a nappy. When DP comes to bed around midnight he puts a thin sheet over her because it's cooled by a couple of degrees then.

singlespeedlass · 25/07/2014 07:09

DS2 is 5 weeks and currently sleeping in a short sleeved vest and a Love to dream swaddle. He seems about the right temp, bedroom is similar temp to yours.

MaryAnnTheDasher · 25/07/2014 03:21

5 week old in long sleeve babygro with no.blanket here. Shes fine. If it gets a bit nippier over night then muslin as blanket.

Igggi · 24/07/2014 23:34

.5 sleeping bag is not the same as a .5 duvet.

Casmama · 24/07/2014 23:16

It's about 26 c here according to my gro egg and ds2 who is two weeks old is sleeping just in a nappy with a single cotton sheet over him.

butterfly86 · 24/07/2014 23:13

I think i probably would too im always cold but dd i always warm like her daddy, with only a vest on and having kicked the blankets off last night when she woke to feed she still felt hot its difficult when they cant tell you.

OP posts:
butterfly86 · 24/07/2014 23:12

I think i probably would too im always cold but dd i always warm like her daddy, with only a vest on and having kicked the blankets off last night when she woke to feed she still felt hot its difficult when they cant tell you.

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Artandco · 24/07/2014 22:11

The gro bag chart is cold IMO. 24 degrees isn't that hot and I as an adult would be cold in a vest and 0.5 sleeping bag.

butterfly86 · 24/07/2014 21:13

Thank you everyone the health visitor said short sleeved vest or just a nappy whereas we had been putting her in long sleeved vest but we didnt have the sleeping bag then. I worry so much but was thinking safer to be cool than hot and she would let us know if she was cold she's just been bathed and ive put a short vest and the sleeping bag on will check her later to see how she feels

OP posts:
WanderingTrolley1 · 24/07/2014 20:55

Both my 18 month and 5 month old have been sleeping in a short-sleeved vest only. Temp in the bedroom is 26 degrees through the night.

They both sleep through fine.

QueenOfThorns · 24/07/2014 20:53

Sorry, x post. I type too slowly!

QueenOfThorns · 24/07/2014 20:51

According to the Grobag chart, at 24 degrees, the baby should be in a 0.5 tog sleeping bag and a sleeveless vest.

We don't have a 0.5 tog sleeping bag, so our 6 month old is in a 1 tog and just a nappy. It was a toss up between that and a short sleeved vest with no sleeping bag.

Shahsham · 24/07/2014 20:50

Tonight its 30degs here so DS is in a short sleeved vest. But i will change tp pjs in the night if necessary or add his 0.5 tog grobag.

Theyaremysunshine · 24/07/2014 20:50

Sorry about the exclamation mark, iPad has a bloody mind of it's own.

Theyaremysunshine · 24/07/2014 20:49

This is the Grobag chart! which would suggest sleeveless vest and 0.5 bag. Depending of course whether your DD is over the weight limit for starting to use bags.

My DD is in a 24 degree room and wearing a short sleeved vest and pj bottoms only, but she's 15m.

Better too cool at that age. Babies seem to vary hugely as to how many layers they need so just feel her back/tummy and see if she's warm/clammy/cool and adjust as need be.

Shahsham · 24/07/2014 20:48

Yes I agree. Unless over 27 degrees ish in our room ( we re not in the uk) Ive been doing long sleeved pyjamas, no vest and no covers.

Artandco · 24/07/2014 20:46

I would personally put in a long baby cotton sleep suit with feet, no vest, no blanket.

Then if it cools or a breeze she won't get cold on skin but won't overheat. 5 weeks is very young so can get cold quickly. The cotton on skin will actually keep baby cooler than Bare skin

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