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16 wees

2 replies

Alibongo33 · 19/07/2014 20:15

My dd is 2.5 years old. We started potty training today after an aborted attempt 3 months. We are using a sticker chart. She has done 16 wees in the potty and had 3 wee accident.
This seems alot. None of the 19 wees were large.
Just wondering how this compares to everybody else's first day? How are we ever going to go out etc when it is so frequent?
I know it is not a very exciting subject but please answer I have nothing or nobody to compare to.
Thanks so much

OP posts:
givemecaffeine21 · 19/07/2014 21:44

My DD was doing about that to start. Basically she wasn't emptying her bladder so just doing a drop then thinking she was done, only to go again five minutes later or wet herself.

Once I figured this out I'd put her on the potty and set the timer for 3-5 mins to sit there....pretty quickly we got the whole wee in one go. I guess it's because in their nappies they do it whenever it trickles out so don't need to stop to do a whole wee and this is a skill to learn. We had the same with poos to and now make her sit there until it's all out as otherwise she was doing a little bit then having an accident a couple of hours later.

odyssey2001 · 19/07/2014 20:46

It could mean that their bladder isn't big enough and that they are still not ready.

Or they are just worried about having accidents because they don't have a lot of control.

Or they are exploring and getting used to the new sensations.

It will change but I wouldn't go out much for the first few weeks. Except in the garden with no underwear.

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