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Time away? Out of the question?

26 replies

Justanewmummy · 28/06/2014 14:28

I have a 22 wk old who is EBF.

She wakes 5-6 times a night most nights.

Am I being awful in wanting to get away for a night? I know it's normal to wake 5-6 times a night and I should probably just suck it up. I also know it won't be forever. But right now every day lasts a lifetime, the nights are horrendous and then I wake up exhausted dreading the next day ahead.

I can't realistically get away unless I start expressing or giving formula but I'm really becoming depressed and not sure how much more I can take.

I can't talk to my OH about this as he wouldn't understand. He thinks parenting is a breeze but then he sleeps uninterrupted in the spare room every night and thinks he's a saint if he does the first nappy change to allow me an extra 10 minutes in bed.

Does anyone know how I feel? I'm probably being really selfish.

OP posts:
zeddybrek · 28/06/2014 23:02

I didn't sleep for 2 weeks straight when DS was born. I then tried co-sleeping and I sleep through the night now with DS waking me whenever he wants a feed. Just not having to get up to feed makes a huge difference. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ever co-sleep and can understand any reservations. Go with your gut instinct and perhaps try it? It's not for everyone and DH hates it but it works perfectly for me and DS.

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