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no knickers

40 replies

freephone · 19/09/2013 07:44

dd went to school yesterday with no knickers and it was pe. How funny is that.

OP posts:
freephone · 19/09/2013 22:29

ur didn't let her go to school commando. 4 dcs to get ready for school each morning its hectic its messy and its real life. I don't think she will be therapy for years as some of you think. As for it not being nice for other people to see a bum well I hope we are not all so easily offended.

OP posts:
Sindarella · 19/09/2013 22:35

Hmm My mom had 10 of us to get ready for school, none of us went without pants.

What a strange thing to start a thread about.

PyjamasNotBananas · 20/09/2013 13:47

I don't find it funny at all. Yes it's good she's independent. What's not good is that you didn't think to check she had everything on. She's 5 ffs.

Pagwatch · 20/09/2013 15:47

Oh utter what bollocks!

Until thy ave gone in with no pants, it doesn't occur to you that they might be fully dressed but with no pants on!

there is some heavy duty sanctemonious lemon sucking on this thread.

randomAXEofkindness · 20/09/2013 16:03

Dd never wears knickers (she's 4). They irritate her and she doesn't give a hoot so I've just left it at that. Completely pisses me off when people comment on it. Dn would be mortified though (same age), that makes me sad. If you're ashamed of your body at 4, what chance have you got...

iloveweetos · 20/09/2013 16:07

Grin pag what can we say..we are terrible mothers!

Editededition · 20/09/2013 16:08

You have my sympathy, OP. Some of the critical comments here are a tad unfair.

I have a DD who dedicated a considerable portion of her time (aged 2-4) to removing her underwear. I would make sure she was fully dressed and good to go.....turn around to get my handbag....climb into car ....arrive at nursery....and discover that she had no knickers on. Again!!

  • at parties
  • the cinema
  • PIL's

Everywhere we went, she would find a way to be an underwear free zone on arrival.

She had actually outgrown the phase by the time she went to school, but at the time it seemed never-ending. She tells me now that she finds the small tags in bras and knickers very irritating & itchy, so perhaps that was the problem!
Didn't save my blushes.
morethanpotatoprints · 20/09/2013 16:14

Come on OP, not remotely funny.
Some stuffy buggers on here. Grin

I think its very funny.

Pagwatch · 20/09/2013 16:19

Yep, probably terrible mothers Weetos Grin

Charleymouse · 20/09/2013 16:31

I once went to work with no knickeers on (unintentionally).

i thought it was funny as did the colleague who lent me some money to go and buy some pants from Woolworths.

eddiemairswife · 20/09/2013 16:33

As a 6yr old I was really shocked when we were staying at someone's house and their 2yr old didn't wear knickers. The 1st time my granddaughter and her friend did PE in reception they took off their knickers before they put their shorts on.

Pagwatch · 20/09/2013 16:36

My DD spends half her life in a leotard or a swimsuit.
She has a weird technique where she puts the leotard on over her pants and then takes her pants off. It's quite a site.

MagicBaguette · 20/09/2013 22:28

Pagwatch it's called The Knicker Trick and its been around for many years!

Pagwatch · 21/09/2013 08:44


I now know all the girls do it but I'd never seen it before. It's most peculiar if you haven't seen it before.

DalmationDots · 21/09/2013 14:21

DD used to swim for a club from when she was 8, she would put on her swimsuit over her knickers and regularly then forget to do the knicker trick!!

Either she would come onto poolside and I would notice her knickers poking out and dash like a mad woman over to send her back into the changing room, or if I wasn't paying attention, she sadly would have a nasty shock when she got changed after the swimming session!

She never seemed to learn from her mistake, it happened quite a few times...worst was when she did it at school swimming first thing in the morning, she didn't want to tell the teacher and so went knicker-less all day. Silly girl!

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