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which store does best/biggest disney princess cake?!

8 replies

tonton · 28/05/2006 19:23

Need a disney princess cake for birthday party next saturday. I am no cook so am hoping the superarkets can help. Any tips on who currently does the best and BIGGEST cake?!Smile They often seem a bit small....

OP posts:
anniebear · 29/05/2006 20:25

I am sure you can get a Disney princess one in Asda that you put your childs photo on also, you just take the photo in and they do it!!!

glassofwine · 28/05/2006 20:37

When we've had a big party have bought one cake for blowing candles with whatever revolting thing child into ie. princess and then some victoria sponge cakes to make up the rest of the party bags. Kids don't notice and the vic sponge cakes are less than a £1. each. Parties are expensive enough - they won't notice.

Roobie · 28/05/2006 19:47

Just buy the largest plain iced cake you can find and decorate yourself.
\link{\disney princess cake decorations}

emkana · 28/05/2006 19:42

IME the birthday cake pieces always end up squashed in the party bags and never ever actually get eaten -
so doesn't really matter what they taste like.

MerlinsBeard · 28/05/2006 19:41

sainsbury and tesco do them i think. just average sized tho. or try an actual cake shop where u order one in, they will be able to make a yummy one tahts huge, bit pricey tho prob

Northerner · 28/05/2006 19:41

Don't buy the asda one, my neice had that one and it was disgusting. Looks lovely but tastes like shit.

Waitrose is good.

lazeemum · 28/05/2006 19:39

Asda do a big Disney princess cake with three princess figures on it. Don't know what it tastes like.

azroc · 28/05/2006 19:25

Shop cakes taste like poo. Get brave and make one.Smile

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