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5 replies

rachi1990xx · 08/04/2013 20:55

My DS is 12 weeks old . For past couple of weeks we have been doing the bath bottle bed routine from 5-6pm and DS is always asleep by 8 pm until 4-5 am but certain family members are making me feel bad as they say hes just a young baby he shud b allowed to do what he wants even though ive tried explaining DS sort of started it off i dont force him to go to sleep he just does and hes quite active and alert in daytime x

OP posts:
rachi1990xx · 08/04/2013 22:02

Thanks all DS seems happy enough to me does not wake up once (same cant b sed for me im a nervous nellie lol ) i think he does like routine like our morning routine is get him washed and dressed n feed him then we go out for some air and if some reason it has to change he is not impressed but i think thats because ive been doing that since we bought him home x Smile X nyce to know im doing nothing wrong x

OP posts:
MaebyF · 08/04/2013 21:14

Just smile and ignore!

Some babies like routine. Mine enjoyed a bedtime routine from just a few weeks old, seemed to like the familiarity, and was out like a dream by 8. She absolutely hated being in the living room with us past about 8ish. I think this might be your first example of how you will be doing everything wrong for at least one person you know Smile

MrsB74 · 08/04/2013 21:11

Just smile and tell them it works for you. My twins did similar at that age, so to me it sounds perfectly normal, and like you said happened naturally by seeing they were getting tired and cranky around that time every night. I think we started bed time around 9ish weeks, and just kept adjusting the times to suit them (it got earlier as they got a bit older), but it was over 3 years ago now so not sure! I don't understand what they are expecting you to do instead? At least you are all getting some sleep! I also remember us all going back to bed after that early feed for a couple of hours. Sounds like you are doing really well x

RubyrooUK · 08/04/2013 21:07

Ignore! Ignore! That sleeping pattern is amazing. What do they know?

I speak as someone whose child woke every 45 minutes at 12 weeks and first made it asleep beyond two hours at 18 months. I would have killed for my child to sleep like that at 12 weeks.

CreatureRetorts · 08/04/2013 21:01

It works for you. Smile and nod and carry on doing what you're doing.

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