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Oh God, what have I done?!

108 replies

Nutjob · 02/06/2003 13:00

My ds is 5 and he absolutely loves his teddy, who he has had since birth. He takes it to bed with him every night, takes him with us on days out, basically he is part of the family.

The trouble is because of excessive cuddling over the years he has begun to get really smelly, sort of musty and yuck. I have squirted him with Febreze a few times but it doesn't seem to have worked, so in a moment of madness I shoved him in the washing machine (on hand-wash mode I hasten to add), he is in there now, and I am starting to panic, have I done the right thing?!! Ds will be inconsolable if anything happens to him. HELP!!! Is he going ot be OK?

OP posts:
ks · 12/06/2003 21:09

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SoupDragon · 12/06/2003 21:21

You could try asking Monsoon:

Jimmy Bent
Customer Service Team Leader
Monsoon Accessorize
Monsoon Building
179 Harrow Road
W2 6NB

ks · 12/06/2003 22:04

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SoupDragon · 12/06/2003 22:16

But what did he bend and was it painful...?

CAM · 12/06/2003 23:56

God I wouldn't ask someone called Jimmy Bent anything! On a slightly more serious note,I have had lots of lovely things for myself and dd from Monsoon, however I have noticed over the years that they are not the most wash-friendly things. I had a silk skirt that said dry clean only which I ignored and washed on a cool setting in the machine.OK, no shine left but it still looked nice as a matt skirt.

JanZ · 13/06/2003 15:16

Have you tried wetting it again and ironing it while still damp?

SoupDragon · 13/06/2003 15:22

You could take it to a dry cleaners and see what they think.

helenmc · 13/06/2003 18:02

ks - he washed it whilst I was working ...just trying to be helpful

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