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Getting rid of sicky smell

7 replies

Madie · 13/03/2003 09:10

Two days ago,dd chucked up. Although I've scrubbed her carpet each day, I just can't seem to get rid of the awful smell.

If anyone has any ideas I'd be grateful.... thanks

OP posts:
Madie · 14/03/2003 09:03

Thanks everyone

The bicarb did the trick ! Magic this morning not even a trace of the smell ..

OP posts:
Madie · 14/03/2003 09:03

Thanks everyone

The bicarb did the trick ! Magic this morning not even a trace of the smell ..

OP posts:
sis · 13/03/2003 13:18

bicarbonate of soda solution has been very effective on the numerous times when ds has thrown up.

Bugsy · 13/03/2003 10:53

Madie, I had this problem recently and I found a sit somewhere that recommended putting bicarbonate of soda into the water when rinsing the carpet.
Afterwards, I mixed a few drops of Tea tree oil into some water, shook hard and sprayed that on to the sicky area.
I don't know which of the above worked but the sicky smell is no longer there.
Good luck

Katherine · 13/03/2003 09:20

I remember my mum always rushing out with a bottle of soda water (never mind me, straight for the carpet!)

whellid · 13/03/2003 09:18

wash the area with bicarb of soda.

Scatterbrain · 13/03/2003 09:16

Febreze is fab !

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