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Coddy look away... Which friends would you...

45 replies

soapbox · 10/03/2005 22:55

lie in court for!

At the end of an evening of good food and good wine a group of my very old friends started to talk about what friendship really meant.

One friend said that he would lie in court for any one of us

Who would you lie in court for (if anyone)!

OP posts:
dinosaur · 18/03/2005 16:26

I wouldn't lie in court for anyone either. Not sure whether it's because I'm a lawyer - I am just too stupid and would be bound to get caught out!

Pamina3 · 18/03/2005 16:07

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Marina · 18/03/2005 15:28

I wouldn't lie in court for anyone - having been a minor witness in an assault case at Youth Court not so long ago, JoolsToo is absolutely right to say that the atmosphere is daunting in the most constructive way. I had no reason to lie and my evidence was completely truthful but even so I agonised about not letting any subjective thoughts stray into my mind and affect how I gave evidence.

bossykate · 18/03/2005 15:25

there are jobs going at my old firm (not audit, consultancy) which suit my cv to a t...

...just the thought of going back makes me shudder...

JoolsToo · 18/03/2005 15:23

I find it hard to lie about anything
definitely couldn't lie in court and I think in reality a lot of people would find it harder than they think once they're sworn in and in the witness box

Pamina3 · 18/03/2005 15:22

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bossykate · 18/03/2005 15:20

soapbox - i met him at university and we had a long distance relationship during the miserable 20 hr day years...

Beansmum · 15/03/2005 09:23

I wouldn't lie for any of my family but would lie for my best friend who is also an ex. But that's easy to say because I know none of my family would ever break the law and they all have plenty of other people who would be willing to lie for them anyway.

HappyDaddy · 15/03/2005 09:19

I lied for my boss (also friend) once but he still got found guilty so I didn't feel so bad. The policeman lied about the statement I gave him at the time of the incident, too though. Guess whether they believed me or him?

Fimbo · 15/03/2005 09:10

Agree with whats all ready been said - I couldn't lie for anyone, i'm so crap at lying anyway I'd be sure to be found out!

Cam · 15/03/2005 08:32

I wouldn't lie in court for friends, I simply wouldn't be a witness. Now, if you ask me whether I'd lie in court on my own behalf, now that could be another matter entirely

Cod · 15/03/2005 08:20

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lockets · 15/03/2005 08:17

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Cod · 15/03/2005 08:12

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flamesparrow · 11/03/2005 08:53

I'm with WK too. Its a bit like desperate housewives with with son and the car... would you have gotten rid of the car for him, or made him face the music??

lockets · 11/03/2005 08:46

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wild · 11/03/2005 08:43

agree with ff
well said - NEVER

SeaShells · 11/03/2005 08:01

I'm a really bad lier, but I think I'd be willing to lie for my sister, my partner and my children, under certain circumstances that is.

WideWebWitch · 11/03/2005 08:00

I don't think I'd lie under oath for anyone. Although who knows whether I'd do a Bree if it came down to it? Ds was reminding me about someone I'd told him about yesterday 'you know, the man who went to prison for lying' and I couldn't think who he meant until it dawned on me - Jeffery Archer! Gosh, that was a long time ago, obviously made an impression!

soapbox · 11/03/2005 00:02

I think it has a lot to do with the 20 hour days we were working back then - the only people we ever saw and had a chance of a relationship, were people we worked with

How did you manage a life outside work??????

OP posts:
bossykate · 11/03/2005 00:00

aha! i married an academic

as an (hopefully interesting) aside - dh always says how much more pleasant, generally well informed and intellectually curious our CA friends are than our academic friends!

must ask the academics what they think of lying in court

soapbox · 10/03/2005 23:58

BK - somewhat sadly we were all chartered accoutants. All of us married more of them

So one out of eight not quite a blanket view, but interesting nontheless

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bossykate · 10/03/2005 23:54

hope you are not impugning the veracity of chartered accountants en masse! wouldn't lie in court except to protect dh and the kids and even then it might depend on what they'd done.

soapbox · 10/03/2005 23:49

PPH - you're a lawyer - no-one would expect you to lie in court

Unlike my chartered accountant friend. Honestly didn't know whether to feel flattered or shocked by his comment

OP posts:
princesspeahead · 10/03/2005 23:17

my dh says that a true friend is someone who you could phone to get you from the police station at 3 in the morning.
but I don't think I could lie in court for anyone I'm afraid.

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