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Periods a year after birth

2 replies

Hayls · 25/01/2005 18:03

Dd was born almost a year ago (29th) and I've had one period since then on the 21st December. THat makes it 5 weeks since my last one. they were never very regular before I had dd but I'm still panicking a bit. I'm still bf 2 or 3 times a day but I thought that when they returned once they wouldn't stop again. What normally happens when they finally return? I'm definitely not ttc and we are careful but ... I don't have any pre menstrual symptoms atm but maybe I've forgotten what they were like? Similarly I don't have any early pg symptoms!

Hope this makes sense and someone can advise!

OP posts:
Eulalia · 25/01/2005 18:13

I was in a similar position to you - periods returned after 13 months with ds then were very irregular (sometimes as much as 8 weeks till the next one) and took about 8 months to settle down (still b/feeding through all this). Conceived dd 3 months later and after dd was born it took 18 months for periods to return. Again took several months to settle down. Currently pg with no 3 so expect the whole thing to start up again.

Basically the continued b/feeding still affects your cycle but th e older your baby is the less this will be so as they feed less.

Lonelymum · 25/01/2005 18:05

Until you stop b/f you can not be sure of your periods. I know because I had all sorts of funny things happen to my periods when I was b/f 2 of my children and when I went to the doctors, she said I would have to stop b/f before I would know if anything was amiss or not. Mine are still not quite right now nearly 11 months after stopping b/f but I believe they can change after pg anyway. HTH

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