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how to get the smell of cat wee out of a buggy ??!!

8 replies

chankins · 20/01/2008 16:46

Double buggy was weed on a year ago ffs and still stinks of cat wee. Have scrubbed it and washed it and sprayed it, what else can you do ?!?

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ambercat · 20/01/2008 16:54

Pets at home have some spray on stuff that neutralises the smell. I used it last year when we had a tom that kept coming in and spraying on the hall carpet, it works really well.

policywonk · 20/01/2008 16:53

Try a solution of biological washing powder (or just wash it with bio powder) - must be biological, it's something to do with the enzymes.

chankins · 20/01/2008 16:51

o thanks will try bicarb as i have that in cupboard.
cats are such a pain, ours is alsi lazy old and a bit on the neurotic side, bless her!

OP posts:
ArmadilloDaMan · 20/01/2008 16:49

Bicarb of soda? Sprinkle it all over and then hoover/clean it off in a few hours. Or days if it is truly atrocious. It's worked on it for me.

I have spent a lot of time this afternoon clearing up cat crap. We found her secret hiding place. At least the smell is gone now. Any one want a neurotic, lazy old cat?

Thought not

Misdee · 20/01/2008 16:49

can u strip the covers off and wash them in the washing machine?

chankins · 20/01/2008 16:48

no not at the moment. I've been on mat leave from child minding and start work again this week. Really need it on tuesday !

OP posts:
lazarou · 20/01/2008 16:47

Yuck! Can you afford to buy a new one? Cat stench is hard to shift.

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