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What's everyone doing?

13 replies

rubyxo · 07/05/2019 22:35

Evening all😁 thought I'd start a thread to see who's still up and what your all doing! I've just got dd to sleep (yes it's late😳)and I'm now going to get into bed and probably stay up for ages admiring the relaxation then wonder why I'm tired tomorrow🧐 what's everyone else doing?BlushHmm

OP posts:
Singlenotsingle · 10/07/2019 00:07

Oh yeah, so you arrive in the car in your PJs and the DC's teacher is waiting there. She beckons you in. The Head teacher wants a word. Blush

BastilleKillers15 · 10/07/2019 00:04

I'm just listening to music at the moment but will no doubt be watching Jake Gyllenhaal clips on YouTube, that man is just pure perfection Wink

rubyxo · 08/05/2019 09:50

@paxillin I don't think you'd be saying that if you saw them😁 anything else yes! Dressing gown? Why not😁

OP posts:
paxillin · 08/05/2019 09:33

There we go, fisticuffs! Wear what you want Grin

rubyxo · 08/05/2019 09:29

@paxillin I must of fell asleep! I personally wouldn't go school run in my pjs😂😬they r not very appropriate 😳

OP posts:
paxillin · 08/05/2019 00:04

I could be convinced to get into a "pyjamas on the school run" or "how often do you wash your towels" bunfight, but nobody has obliged tonight.

NeverHadANickname · 08/05/2019 00:02

I'm watching one born every minute on YouTube while DH snores next to me. It is 7pm here but he hasn't been feeling well and needs an early night.

rubyxo · 08/05/2019 00:00

@Pppppppp1234 arghh good luck 😁I'm sure ur dc will get into the routine soon enough

OP posts:
rubyxo · 07/05/2019 23:59

@paxillin no need to sleep early!Grin

OP posts:
Pppppppp1234 · 07/05/2019 23:55

Trying to make DC age 4 sleep all night in his own bed without running into ours 🙈😭
Up for work in 5 hours yawn and pregnant !

paxillin · 07/05/2019 23:53

I have no other reason to be up, kids are old enough, work is done. I just don't sleep early.

rubyxo · 07/05/2019 23:48

@paxillin nice..

OP posts:
paxillin · 07/05/2019 22:43

Hanging out on the internet.

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