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How do you dissolve a massive toilet-blocking poo?

78 replies

SilkStalkings · 16/07/2012 07:27

That's it really, dd's constipation is back. My first thought is washing up liquid perhaps, to work on the fat particles. Can't face going at it with a knife just yet.

OP posts:
DawnMumsnet · 21/02/2022 09:18

This thread's nearly ten years old so we're assuming the OP's sorted the blockage by now...

We're going to close it to new posts so it doesn't keep getting revived by weird trolls.

UnUdderOne · 21/02/2022 03:22

Also, I thought the PP suggesting a breadstick meant a baguette Grin

UnUdderOne · 21/02/2022 03:20


Just chuck a brock down there (if you can figure out what one is!!!!)

They like to dig????

Source: am a poo in a u-bend. Someone dropped a WiFi router down afterwards and now I have Internet

It's been 10 years now, it's probably gone! Grin
ifyouhavetopostthisquery · 21/02/2022 03:12

have you no Ciabatta?

MangosteenSoda · 21/02/2022 02:49

I’m Confused and Grin that this thread has been revived 5 times over 10 years.

As an aside, my DC did the same at age 3. It took an unholy amount of effort to shift that bastard.

Thoosa · 21/02/2022 01:44

Breadstick is kind of genius. Grin

Second dishwasher tablet/ laundry detergent/ vanish powder though. Something biology and enzymey. With hot water.

Gingerkittykat · 21/02/2022 01:31

Ok, this is a 10 year old thread but does nobody on Mumsnet own a plunger?

Aquamarine1029 · 21/02/2022 01:30


My word! this is a dinosaur zombie thread 10 years old!!!

The poo will have long been flushed out to sea.

I love zombie threads. Keeps me on my toes.
oakleaffy · 21/02/2022 01:06


Just chuck a brock down there (if you can figure out what one is!!!!)

They like to dig????

Source: am a poo in a u-bend. Someone dropped a WiFi router down afterwards and now I have Internet

Do you have a dog?
A POO dle? or a Shit~zoo, Brock? I badgering you?!
oakleaffy · 21/02/2022 01:04

My word! this is a dinosaur zombie thread 10 years old!!!

The poo will have long been flushed out to sea.

ThreeLocusts · 21/02/2022 01:03

I've used denture cleaning tablets (which I have at home for toilet cleaning anyway) with some success for this purpose. Throw in about 5, leave to dissolve, poke with wire coat hanger or similar, flush. Good luck!

oakleaffy · 21/02/2022 01:02


Big bucket of water tipped from as high as you can manage.


I had opiates prescribed,{Infamous for causing constipation} and Number 2's were like rocks at that time.
A 2 gallon bucketful of water chased those away.
Aquamarine1029 · 21/02/2022 00:39

I would have just burned my house down.

Mumoftwoinprimary · 21/02/2022 00:36


This thread is ten years old. Hopefully the poo is gone by now.

Scarily the producer of the poo is probably at university now!
raspberryjamchicken · 21/02/2022 00:06

This thread is ten years old. Hopefully the poo is gone by now.

nzborn · 21/02/2022 00:06

few jugs of boiling water then flush

Goldenbunny · 20/02/2022 23:56


Argghhhh! Toothbrush?

I get a bucket full of water, press flush on the toilet and throw the bucket of water in at the same time quickly. Always works every time no matter how big the blockage.

Same here bucket boiling water and flush always works.
LegArmpits · 20/02/2022 23:53


WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 20/02/2022 23:51

Why are people randomly posting on a decade old thread?? Then every few years one person makes a suggestion? Just how did you find the thread fgs??

I was wondering exactly that. People must go out of their way to AS 'unflushable turd' - whether out of urgent necessity or random curiosity.

The entire sum of the world's knowledge is freely available on the internet - yet all some people want to use it for is to search for is unconquerable jobbies!!

Eightiesfan · 20/02/2022 23:29

Oh god, my son always used to block the toilet, it was shocking really, my older son still refuses to use the upstairs toilet! Anyway we just put a bottle of bleach and left it overnight, a couple of flushes in the morning usually did the trick.

Millionairenow · 20/02/2022 23:20

Why are people randomly posting on a decade old thread?? Then every few years one person makes a suggestion? Just how did you find the thread fgs??

BartFark · 20/02/2022 23:13

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WowOoo · 14/04/2017 20:43

Note for the future: if your dd is going to do a massive poo and use lots of roll teach her to flush half way. I've been there!

STOOLOLOGIST · 14/04/2017 20:41

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Lifesjustfun · 06/03/2016 14:56

Tried all of these things after neighbours visited with their 3 year old who deposited a large proportion of his body weight. Eventually used a bottle of vinegar and a tub of bicarbonate of soda. Left fizzing for 20 mins and then poured a large bucket of water (I had used about 20 buckets prior to this with no movement)

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