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Help!! Lost car insurance documents and dh can't remember...

25 replies

unicorn · 19/09/2005 10:17

I know it's pathetic, but we can't remember who we insured the car with (apparently we changed from our previous one last year).

Any ideas how we can locate the company/policy - (other than visiting a psychic!)

(Have already checked our statements for last year, and can't see anything relevant)

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unicorn · 19/09/2005 12:00

Thanks all!

Memo to self.. must sort out filing cabinet (+ my life in general!!)

OP posts:
PiccadillyCircus · 19/09/2005 11:49

Glad you've found out who it is with .

unicorn · 19/09/2005 11:37

We couldn't afford the lovely Mazda 5 ...

so we have cut our cloth and got..... a premacy.

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 19/09/2005 11:33

I always used to have to tear the house apart trying to find all the paperwork on the eve of my tax disc running out. I am now very strict abot filing it in a file box labelled "car". The rest of our filing is still a complete mess though.

Janh · 19/09/2005 11:32

...except for all the offers that constantly fall through our

Janh · 19/09/2005 11:32

egg is a big promoter of paperfree life - our credit card charges £2/3 for a hard copy of a statement (were you supposed to print your own cert?) So glad you have found it anyway! (And well done on the Mazda. What model?)

RTKangaMummy · 19/09/2005 11:31

deffo brill

ring them up and ask them to send some duplicates

Janh · 19/09/2005 11:29

NCD wouldn't show on the certificate, it'll be on the schedule or renewal notice, so if one of those is missing that's a good sign. However disorganised you are (and I am the same, my filing for the last 2 or 3 years is in random boxes in several places, I had to ring up for a new certificate to get my road tax because I couldn't find the old one!) I'm sure you would not have actually cancelled the old one without having arranged a new one; unless you arranged it on the phone but nothing came through the post and you then forgot which would be a distinct possibility for me...

unicorn · 19/09/2005 11:29

dh has remembered...

it's Egg apparently (altho I don't know why we have no paperwork)

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 19/09/2005 11:23

Can you remember if you found your quote over the phone or the internet?
Was it with an insurance company or someone who searches for a few quotes for you to choose from?
Did you try the company having seen it on a TV advert?

Trying to think of things to jog your memory

PiccadillyCircus · 19/09/2005 11:21

If you have cancelled the policy then you should have got some sort of refund - I know that doesn't help with knowing who you are insured with now.

If your old insurance people can tell you when you did cancel the policy (assuming you did) then you would presumably have taken out the new policy soon after that, so a payment would be near that date.

Do you have your ertificate of insurance (with the old company)? If you don't then you would possibly have sent it to the new company (as they need it for checking no claims discount entitlement). But if you do and the old comapny can confirm when you cancelled the policy, it looks like you're not insured.

(By the way, our filing system is generally non-existent and I'm an accountant, so I am very about it).

unicorn · 19/09/2005 11:14

I know this is
You should see the state of our 'filing' system.

We would pay normally by debit card.

Need to find it now though to arrange a cover note..
(janh we have finally bought a car- from ebay!!!w reg mazda)

OP posts:
PiccadillyCircus · 19/09/2005 10:53

Do you pay by direct debit or in one go?

RTKangaMummy · 19/09/2005 10:52

Or do you do stuff as and when it is needed

ie when something comes in do you pay it or reply or do you put it to one side ?????

Janh · 19/09/2005 10:51

Well, November's your date then - they send out renewal documents a couple of weeks before it falls due.

Could you have gone with a supermarket? Tesco & Sainsbury's both do it and it might just look like a big shop on a credit card statement?

RTKangaMummy · 19/09/2005 10:51

why would you cancel one and it still be valid?

Are you "getting round to it kind of people????"

unicorn · 19/09/2005 10:49

Gulp.. that's what my worry is.

dh is sure that we are, and that we found a cheaper quote somewhere (very helpful.. er not)

OP posts:
RTKangaMummy · 19/09/2005 10:48

Are you actually still insured???????????

unicorn · 19/09/2005 10:47

no - no trace of anything, it's very strange..

Our previous company said we cancelled the policy (even though I have the policy documents - valid til November) so I'm baffled.

OP posts:
Janh · 19/09/2005 10:46

There must be a record of a payment somewhere, unicorn! Go through all your statements again - if you remember your renewal month that should help?

RTKangaMummy · 19/09/2005 10:46

When is it due for renewal?

cos they would write to you


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RTKangaMummy · 19/09/2005 10:45

Did they send you a car tax holder for your car??

charliecat · 19/09/2005 10:44

old emails? clutching at straws here

unicorn · 19/09/2005 10:43

any detectives out there??

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