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First day....

6 replies

MumofOne2017 · 12/12/2018 14:25

My boy starts nursery next month. Any tips on what he might need....apart from nappy & wipe supplies. Water cup and spear clothes? Any tips would be helpful. My babe will be 14 months x

OP posts:
anewyear · 19/01/2019 15:59

Sorry I know this is an oldish thread but please, please label everything..

cc19ccs · 14/01/2019 12:08

I am in my last year of a Childcare course at Uni and am looking into the transition process into primary schools, nursery or Reception year. I would really like to find out if parents were offered a home visit by their child's school, did you accept or decline and how you felt about the visit if it happened. Was it useful, do you think it helped to settle your child into school easily or did it make no difference?
What other transition practices did (does) your child's school offer to ease both yours and your child's first few days at a new setting?
I am trying to gauge whether having in place a good, clear transition
policy helps to build strong relationships between school and home and reduces settling in periods for all concerned.

Fizzyhedgehog · 29/12/2018 09:37

DS has wellies, waterproofs, several sets of spare clothes, nappies and wipes at nursery. I used to send his water bottle with him at his old one but the current one aren't using it. He also gets a large tupperware box with breakfast/snacks (lunch is provided and paid for).
I guess it depends on your nursery. At his previous one all nappies, wipes and food (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner) were included. You'd have to provide milk for babies but DS was a bottle refuser so I didn't bother expressing after the first week. He had water at nursery.

SPR1107 · 28/12/2018 20:20

3 changes of clothes, any comforters for nap time, nappies and wipes.
Weather appropriate clothing - coat, hat, gloves, scarf.
Summer - hat, sun cream

Usually shouldn't need to take his own drinking cup or anything like that.

Marker pen his initial if he has a dummy, in case he drops it.

insancerre · 20/12/2018 13:43

Ring the nursery and ask
We can’t really advise as every nursery is different

HSMMaCM · 12/12/2018 14:51

Does he need any bottles / milk? A sleep comforter if he uses one (don't send the only one you have, in case it's lost).

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