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Kentish Town/Islington nursery tips for FTM

3 replies

ellaki · 20/02/2017 16:47

I will be returning to work in the autumn and looking for childcare for DS, he will be almost 1yp by then. I am looking for a nursery place (also investigating childminder options but that is something for another thread).

The Hungerford children's centre, willow children's centre (both Islington), the caversham nursery in Kentish Town and the Gower school's nursery (the Montessori one) are the most convenient geographically. But are they any good? Which would you recommend? We don't own a car so it might have to be something relatively close by..

Would love to hear from parents whose children attended any of these

Thank you!

OP posts:
MontessoriGrdn · 14/06/2017 17:58

i work for Montessori Garden Nursery School just behind Kentish Town tube station. Don't want to give a biased opinion here but you might want to find out more about us fb @MontessoriGrdn and // a lot of our parents had said that they didn't know we existed and only heard about us from friends so just thought to mention here. Good luck with your search and getting back to work!

ellaki · 21/02/2017 07:52

Ah thank you newmummy! No I hadn't come across it, as I was looking at the closest ones but this is actually not that much further away, so would work. And I see it is ofsted 'outstanding' when all the others are 'good'. I will go check it out, thank you

OP posts:
newmummycwharf1 · 21/02/2017 07:19

Have you checked out little garden nursery? Its in Kentish town. We quite liked it at the show round

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