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Hate sending ds...and sleep

3 replies

mcnoodle · 26/04/2006 10:33

It's week four of sending ds (10.5 months) to nursery. I was fine first couple of weeks, but have started to feel horrible. He's just so tiny and although I give him breakfast and tea at home I worry that he will be scarred for life by this experience (have PMT and slightly over dramatic I know!)

Nursery is very small, and the staff are lovely. He is there 2 days a week. DS is very contented there - he is very active and really focuses on toys etc. He is also a massive flirt with the ladies! Just can't shake off the feeling that what I'm doing is wrong. Would not work if didn't have to.

Also I worry that he's nto sleeping enought there. Has two naps of 1-2 hours at home - usually total of 2 1/2 to 3 per day. Never seems to get more than 1 hour at nursery. No set routine - think they only put him down when he's utterly exhausted. He is difficult to settle. What is the norm at nursery? What should/shouldn't I be asking for in terms of sleep routine?


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Psychobabble · 26/04/2006 20:24

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lunavix · 26/04/2006 20:15

I agree with TP, they should be trying to accomodate your routine. If not, then that's a seperate issue where you need to decide if they are the perfect nursery. However, my mindees have a completely different routine here to at home, and their parents and I discuss it at great length!

I don't think anything bad will come from him going, especially only two days a week. You get a glorious 5 days with him, and plus as he gets older you might enjoy that break!

ThePrisoner · 26/04/2006 20:11

I think that your feelings are what many working mummies probably feel. If he seems happy, then he probably is happy. A 10 month old can't put on a "brave face"!

I'm a childminder, and I think that nearly all the young children I've ever minded have probably had very different routines from those that they have at home. I always ask parents to write down their "general routine" and I will stick to it as best I can - unfortunately, most of the children can't read and they tend to think rather differently!

It's probably worth asking the nursery if they would be able to accommodate what you would prefer to happen. If they can't/won't do it, or your ds won't "conform", then I guess that that's a different issue. Do they actually know his home routine?

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