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Turned Away from Nursery with a Runny Nose

6 replies

GezFox · 17/10/2012 10:08

Hi - just wanted to find out if anyone had any thoughts on this ? My daughter was turned away from nursery this morning because she "had green snot coming from her nose" and they "cant afford to have the teachers catching anything ". Its that time of year and all the kids will have colds - apparently if the discharge is clear its ok but if its green its not!
Are they being reasonable or not ?

OP posts:
trixymalixy · 25/10/2012 20:45

DD would never be at nursery if her nursery had such s policy!!


Meglet · 25/10/2012 20:43

My DC's nursery also said that if they turned kids away for a cold they'd be empty all winter! And they are usually very strict on infection control, tummy bugs.

NatashaBee · 25/10/2012 20:41

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AyeOopMoose · 25/10/2012 20:38

When DD1 had 1st cold (at 14 months) I apologised at nursery and said I thought she'd be ok as no temperature etc but would they prefer me to keep her at home.

They laughed and said that if every child who had a cold was kept at home they would be empty most days!

Ask to see their illness policy. It's usual to keep them off for contagious things like d&v, chicken pox etc. They are being vvvvvv ridiculous and I would talk to the owner/manager about a refund of fees for the session. You need to clarify as otherwise I fear your DC will be at home a lot!

InMySpareTime · 17/10/2012 18:42

Luminous snot is a good sign, it means the body has had an immune response to the cold, and produced extra white blood cells to fight it.
If they turn away snotty DCs, is anyone left? Sounds like an excuse to me.

LadyMargolotta · 17/10/2012 10:11

YANBU, if she didn't have a temperature. Most children this age have snotty noses, green, yellow, whatever. The only time I was worried about the colour of snot when my dd had thick brown snot, and a very high temperature. She had sinusitis.

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