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Sabotaging "Take-Home Ted"

10 replies

morningpaper · 10/03/2006 20:36

SO we have "Take Home Teddy" from the nursery to "look after" for a week, complete with camera and diary to complete.

So far he has been photographed taking a ride in Barbie's VW convertible with topless Barbie and a bottle of beer.

Any other suggestions?

OP posts:
madmarchhare · 10/03/2006 21:41

Oh yes, completely agree with bran actually, very good. I will try and remember that one when our turn comes.

juliab · 10/03/2006 20:51

Shudder! Brings back hideous memories of Bernie the Bear. Not content to fill the pages of the diary with ridiculously OTT stuff (Here we are in Downing Street...), one mum had hand-sewn Bernie a whole new outfit!

bran · 10/03/2006 20:49

Why not just put "slept on windowsill" on every page, there's nothing like a bit of sulky tokenism to get the message across that you think it's pointless.

madmarchhare · 10/03/2006 20:42

browsing in Ann Summers

morningpaper · 10/03/2006 20:41

Well the diary has about 200 pages filled in with detailed 'adventures' by parents

very tedious

OP posts:
hoxtonchick · 10/03/2006 20:41

getting it on with one of your teddies?

bran · 10/03/2006 20:41

Hmmm, do you have a toy sheep by any chance? Wink

morningpaper · 10/03/2006 20:41

snort at spliff

I thought about tandem feeding him with my baby, but thought that might be taking it Too Far

OP posts:
Mazzystar · 10/03/2006 20:40

i just really could NOT be arsed with that kind of thing. do all nureseries do it? and do the los like it?

Mazzystar · 10/03/2006 20:40

get dh to take him down the boozer

smoking a a big spliff?

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