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Thoughts and feelings on male nursery nurses.

43 replies

PrincessBambi · 06/01/2011 19:51

Hello all
I am hoping for some help with my dissertation.....
I am a final year undergraduate student at university and I am researching parents perceptions of male childcarers within the nursery setting.
I currently work in a nursery and we have no male staff, although after speaking to a number of parents they have mixed opinions on how they'd feel about having male nursery nurses.
Some parents said they would be happy for their children to be around positive male role models.
Do you have any thoughts or worries about this?
I know there has been a lot in the news today about a male nursery worker in Birmingham being arrested on suspicion of abuse.

I would really appreciate any comments, Thanks :)


OP posts:
TiggyD · 07/01/2011 11:31

I'm a male nursery worker. I was the only one in Berkshire when I started in the early 90s. Things have got better over time but now I'm unemployed. There's no way of telling if you get turned down for jobs because of your sex. I think the biggest problem is what employers think their customers think rather than what they actually do think. They think customers won't like it when very few will have a problem.

TiggyD · 07/01/2011 11:32

If anybody wants to give me a job around the Berks/Hants/Wilts/Oxon area, I'm available!


PrincessBambi · 10/01/2011 09:52

Thanks everyone for your comments.
Fingers crossed we'll soon have more male staff working in our nurseries, from what I have heard its definitely a positive thing.

OP posts:
onadietcokebreak · 11/01/2011 08:17

When is dissertation due in? Doing my own assignment but can do a response in a few days if still within deadline

babybouncer · 11/01/2011 18:31

In the baby room, my DS had a very young male nursery nurse, and his age concerned me initially far more than his gender! Like all the other workers at the nursery, though, he's great with them.

LadyBiscuit · 11/01/2011 18:36

A new male nursery nurse has just arrived at my DS's preschool and I'm delighted. I'm a single mum and male role models are really important to him (and me). I really hope the balance continues to tip in that direction :)

PrincessBambi · 11/01/2011 18:37

It is due in in six weeks so ive still got plenty of time for more discussions! That would be great thankyou.

OP posts:
ThisIsANiceCage · 11/01/2011 18:52

Sorry to burst the bubble, but I've seen the opposite attitude. A friend was really negative at the thought her daughter might have a male teacher even in infant school. Because her daughter is "too young."

She couldn't articulate what she thought would happen, and said it was nothing against the particular teacher: she was just vehemently against men being allowed to work with young girls.

I was aghast, but if you're doing this for your dissertation I think you need to know this attitude is out there.

SecretSlattern · 11/01/2011 19:01

I worked with a male NN a couple of years ago in a day nursery and I'm afraid to say that he was horrid; as a person and with the children.

He wouldn't play or interact nicely with the children, he would tell them to shut up, to leave him alone (all on the snide), he complained about the paperwork, complained about changing the children, he was just a misery.

I know we all have our off days, but seriously, this went on, unchecked despite complaints from other staff members, all day every day.

Was a relief when he left and went to do a "man's job" Hmm working for a building firm.

Despite this experience, I am working with a lovely guy atm, who is really enthusiastic, will do anything and everything, no complaining, he just really seems to enjoy being at nursery and interacting with the children.

purepurple · 11/01/2011 20:32

We have had a young lad start at the nursery this week. We have had no negative comments from any parents yet. He has already had a huge impact on the unruly 2 year olds Grin All the children have really taken to him. Just hope it lasts.

dobby2001 · 11/01/2011 22:10

Its sad in a way that we need to talk aboutmale childcare workers s if they were a diferant species isn't it? There are going to be good and bad ones just the same as in every walk of life, bu it is sad that it is often so hard for guys to get the work n the first place.

I know 2 male childminders. I have known both of them since before they registered so know thy are lovng Dads to their children (both have daughters too)and genunely good citizens. I have been shocked by how hard it has been for them to find work at times, to the point of people hanging up the phone when they realise childminder is man (both have ambigous names iykwim. Even at CM groups they get treated as a novelty by some of the women and are always asked if they work with their wives Hmm

But if they get annoyed by the comments they get "what do you expect??"

Sometimes its hard to think we are in the 21st century Hmm

mum295 · 12/01/2011 10:40

There's a male nursery worker at my DD's nursery. He has a young son the same age as many of the kids at the nursery, unlike many of the female staff, and is very sympathetic when us parents come in moaning about teething and interrupted sleep! He also understands that the kids play up their parents and then behave like angels when they get to nursery.

The kids all adore him too. As others have said, he is always the one kicking a ball around and an excellent role model.

Bucharest · 12/01/2011 10:46

I think it's an appalling indictment of UK society that our opinion even has to be asked.

sparkleshine · 12/01/2011 11:54

There are no male nn at DS nursery but would not bother me if there was. I'm sure it would be a great asset to the place.
Off the subject here but I'm a nurse and there are shortages of male staff nurses too. I think it's the same in any care setting. Even now some patients I care for give weird looks to our 1 male nurse.

TheGashlycrumbTinies · 12/01/2011 11:57

The nursery we used had 4 male nursery nurses, they were fantastic, as were all of the staff, we had no worries sending either of our daughters there.

purepurple · 12/01/2011 17:00

Today, I have had a chat with the young lad who has just started at the nursery and he says that he was bullied at the nursery where he did his training by the female staff. They picked on him because they didn't know why a male would want to be a nursery nurse. They also refused to give him a reference. Seems like prejudice is still out there.

cakeycakey · 14/01/2011 15:43

When my DD started at her nursery, there was just the one male carer. Now there are three. My DD and the other kids seem to love them, particularly the one who is a bit rough and tumble and loud with them. If they are fun, positive and caring, then male or female, I think it's great.

PrincessBambi · 14/01/2011 16:00

Hi everyone
Thank you again for your comments, they have really helped me with my dissertation work so far. It has been really positive reading your comments.

Purepurple- It really shocked me to hear about your conversation with the male working at your nursery,I think it is terrible that he was treated so poorly in the setting where he did his training. This could have stopped him from continuing his training. He should have been treated equally regardless of his gender.

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