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Expecting my first baby!

5 replies

Abby234 · 28/07/2018 10:33

Hi all!
I need some advice! I’m 20 weeks pregnant I’m expecting my first baby at 19 years old and I’m having a baby girl. I’m really scared because I keep thinking I’m not strong enough for the birth. I’m really scared and don’t know what to expect. What if I’m not prepared enough or what if I’m not a good enough mum. Please help me out and give me some advice!! Much appreciated 😊

OP posts:
Blanca123 · 09/08/2018 15:39


Congratulations!! I’m pregnant also but not so far along, I think it’s normal to feel that way I’m already thinking of these things as I am just a worry wart but honestly our bodies are structured to endure childbirth, the female body is an amazing thing, you will be fine, good luck x

Flisspaps · 31/07/2018 20:21

@Abby234 my two are 8 and 6 now and I still worry I'm not good enough Grin

If you head to the antenatal boards, there'll be a group for your due month with lots of other expectant mums at the same point in pregnancy as you - some first timers, others experienced

ReginaPhalange89 · 31/07/2018 19:46


Honestly your body is made to do this, you'll be surprised at what it can do ! I have two babies (about to start trying for #3!) . Both my labours have been really good. I don't think it matters how old you are or how many babies you have had, everyone has the same worries ! Just remember your body is designed to do this so you CAN .

And you definitely will be a good mum ❤

AaronPurrSir · 28/07/2018 16:01

I’m also pregnant with my first, 15 years older than you and feel exactly the same! It’s perfectly normal, I don’t think anyone really knows what to expect or what they’re getting themselves into.

ScreamingValenta · 28/07/2018 15:59

Congratulations! Bumping thread for you - If you don't get responses here, try re-posting on one of the pregnancy topics.

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