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NOW CLOSED: Innocent Insight Panel - now recruiting members* - must have a child aged 4-9

151 replies

RebeccaMumsnet · 03/02/2011 09:18

Mumsnet are going to be working with innocent, the smoothie makers, over the next year or so - there'll be competitions, information on the product and even a chance to visit 'Fruit Towers' (not Mumsnet Towers!) for competition winners.

innocent want to know what you think about their products, how they can be improved, what your children like about them etc so a major part of this project is an innocent Insight Panel which we are now looking to recruit. Sorry but this is UK only. To take part you must have at least one child aged 4-9 . It doesn't matter if you currently buy innocent or not, they are looking for both buyers and non buyers.

Panelists will be asked to take part in up to 5 projects over the course of the next year - not everyone will do all 5 projects but some will. Activities will include looking at marketing and advertising materials, helping with a recipe book, and testing products. Most will be undertaken at home followed by offering feedback on Mumsnet and some may involve getting your child's input. There will be a prize draw for every project where one panelist will win a prize to the value of £250.

If you're interested in taking part please add your details here.

If selected you will be sent a special little Innocent goody bag to say thanks in advance for taking part. The goody bag will contain a voucher for free product and some other innocent bits.
If you are not selected please do look out for further opportunities to get involved with innocent and to maybe win some prizes over the next year or so.
Thanks and good luck.
Please post any questions here.

  • no special insight required to take part
OP posts:
Tortoise · 09/03/2011 11:06

Has anyone received anything yet? It has been quite while now.

PaperView · 09/03/2011 11:09

Not yet. But i have done a survey.

Tortoise · 09/03/2011 11:18

Yes, i did a survey too.

AliciaFlorrick · 09/03/2011 16:14

Received nothing yet but have done survey. Would really like to win the JL vouchers from completing the survey as have mentally spent it in my head (about three times over). Anybody heard anything?

NewGirlHelenMumsnet · 09/03/2011 17:09

For all innocent insight panellists wondering where their welcome packs are, we've just heard from innocent that you should get them in the next couple of days so please hang in there!

Also, we've drawn the winners of the 3 John Lewis vouchers...congratulations to:


Happy spending!

craftynclothy · 09/03/2011 17:25

Shock OMG OMG OMG! I'm so excited to have won...and I'm probably only going to spend them on my Ocado grocery shopping Grin

Thank you Smile

AliciaFlorrick · 09/03/2011 17:57

Nooo!!! I wanted to win the vouchers EnvySadGrin.

Grockle · 09/03/2011 20:42

Oh, me too! Envy

Tortoise · 11/03/2011 13:02

I got my little goodie bag this morning. Will use a voucher later to buy some smoothie.

Ben10isthespawnofthedevil · 11/03/2011 13:05

Bum. I wanted to win Envy

mumatron · 11/03/2011 14:36

got my goodie bag too.

what was in yours tortoise? my envelope wasn't shut properly so i don't know if it was all there.

Tortoise · 11/03/2011 16:46

I had a material shopping bag, note book, 2 money off coupons, little fridge magnets and innocent company rule book. Hope yours was all there?

JulesJules · 12/03/2011 09:42

Ooh I got my goodie bag this morning - lovely, thank you!

Fabric shopper (the DDs are already fighting over it!), fridge magnets, two money off coupons, notebook and the innocent company rule book.

LIZS · 12/03/2011 09:44

Mine's arrived ! nice bag :)

ouryve · 12/03/2011 14:21

My goodie bag arrived this morning, too. I was quite intrigued, as I had no idea what it was from the packaging!

We had a little giggle at the Ts&Cs on the vouchers!

Dylthan · 12/03/2011 17:20

Received our goody bag today Smile

They sound like they would be a really fun company to work for and I love the story about how they started.

withagoat · 12/03/2011 17:20

im so gutted i didnt get this

s3 ADORES innocent

JemimaMop · 12/03/2011 17:20

Our goodie bag came today Grin

Dylthan · 12/03/2011 17:21

Goodie bag Blush

Grockle · 12/03/2011 21:05

I like my Goodie Bag too - thank you Smile

FromGirders · 12/03/2011 21:06

Thank you so much!!
I have no idea what to spend them on . .
Umm . .

PaperView · 12/03/2011 21:09

We got ours today too.


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androbbob · 12/03/2011 21:20

Ours came today too and have used the bag today as well. DS put the magnets on the fridge and I had to hide the notebook from him as I like those!! Grin Will spend vouchers in the week - have also done one survey!

Honeydragon · 13/03/2011 16:53

Mine came yesterday too Smile, and I've done a survey.

CoffeeGoneColdAgain · 14/03/2011 12:51

Does everyone who is on the panel for this get a goody bag?

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