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NOW CLOSED: 10 Mumsnet - Letterbox toy testers needed - you could win £250 voucher

59 replies

AnnMumsnet · 13/09/2010 15:57

We're looking for 10 Mumsnetters and their child to have a play with one of two new toys from Letterbox. Then we'd need you to come on Mumsnet and let everyone know what you and your child thought of them.

To take part you need to have at least one child aged either 3+ (for the Red Retro Racer) or aged 5+ (for the Fairy Post Office).

If selected you'll be sent one of the two toys - which you'll be able to keep - asked to play with them for a couple of weeks then invited to add feedback on a thread on Mumsnet. We'd also like testers to please add a review on the Letterbox website and/ or on Mumsnet toy reviews.

It doesn't matter if you've never heard of Letterbox or are a regular customer, we're looking for a mixture of testers.

The two toys available for testing are:

~ Fairy Post Office - with a post box, stamps, envelopes and writing paper. Age 5+. Sells for £17

~ Red Retro Racer - a wooden racing car. Age 3+ Sells for £20

Sorry this product test is UK only. The link below shows an image of each toy.

Everyone who tries a toy and adds their feedback will be entered into a prize draw where one lucky tester will win a £250 voucher to spend on further toys at Letterbox (that's Christmas sorted!).

If you'd be interested in taking part (and you meet the criteria) and for more product information, please click here.

If you haven't heard from us or received any product by 30th Sept we're sorry but you haven't been selected.

Thanks and good luck

OP posts:
AnnMumsnet · 29/09/2010 18:28

Hope you testers have been enjoying the toys - just to let you know we'll be starting the feedback thread on Monday. We'll email you a link but please do look out for it
Best, Ann

OP posts:
pixierara · 20/09/2010 22:27

Oh Ann, that is fantastic!!!! Although, to tell you the truth, the tin is great how it is - we have been writing letters to Tatiana and Puck since we received the tin! can't wait to see the bits inside, will make it even better...Thank you letterbox for the replacement!!!

AnnMumsnet · 20/09/2010 18:56

pixierara - they are arranging for a replacement one to be sent out to you. Very sorry for missing bits.

OP posts:
pixierara · 19/09/2010 16:48

Hi Anne - it's just an empty tin!! (albeit a very pretty tin)

AnnMumsnet · 18/09/2010 08:52

pixierara - is there nothing else in the pack/box at all? I'll ask on monday and get it sorted for you

Feedback will be soonish...just giving you all time to have a good play!

OP posts:
pixierara · 18/09/2010 07:51

that's what i thought! Head fairy obviously made a mistake!!! Grin

LynetteScavo · 17/09/2010 22:48

There are supposed to be some bits and pieces in the letter box.

pixierara · 17/09/2010 19:37

The fairy post office arrived today!!!!!!!!!! However, when we opened it, there wasn't anything in the letterbox but when you look online, there are meant to be letters etc?

Am I being thick or is it missing?!

swallowedAfly · 16/09/2010 21:16

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swallowedAfly · 16/09/2010 21:16

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LynetteScavo · 16/09/2010 19:02

So when do we get to leave feed back?

Because believe me, I have feed back!

ilovesprouts · 16/09/2010 10:55

oh dear not chose this time..never mind :(

swallowedAfly · 15/09/2010 15:16

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Doobydoo · 15/09/2010 15:15

Just got our Racer!Thankyou.Smile

DramaInPyjamas · 15/09/2010 12:48

We got the Fairy Post Office and it has just arrived here as well. Quick delivery.
My little girl's at school just now so will have to report back later.

Thank you again Mumsnet!
She is going to be well chuffed with it! x

LynetteScavo · 15/09/2010 12:36

It's just arrived1 Do I have to wait until DD comes home to play with it? It looks fun!

swallowedAfly · 15/09/2010 07:17

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The3Bears · 14/09/2010 22:17

:( not chosen

IwishIwasmoreorganised · 14/09/2010 21:20

Not us this time.

Oh well, there's always next time!

lisad123isgoingcrazy · 14/09/2010 21:15

:( didnt get choosen

Doobydoo · 14/09/2010 21:12

THANKYOUSmileHe will be so chuffed!

elvislives · 14/09/2010 20:38

We are getting the car. I'm really chuffed Grin


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LynetteScavo · 14/09/2010 20:01

Yay! We've been selected. DD will be intrigued by the post office set!Smile

DramaInPyjamas · 14/09/2010 19:58

We have been chosen as well.

Thank you Mumsnet!

PfftTheMagicDragon · 14/09/2010 19:09

Oooh just had an e-mail to say that we have been selected! DS is going to love the post office set!

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