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Multiple births

Thank you multiple mums!

6 replies

devondoris · 07/11/2007 21:19

Hi everyone,

I know I haven't been around for ages - life has got really, really busy. But I wanted to say thank you to everyone who was around last year, and who got me through my twin pregnancy, birth and the aftermath!

The boys have just had their 1st birthday which is why I thought this would be an appropriate time to say thanks to you all. I have soooo appreciated your support and chat. My delightful boys and gorgeous girl are doing fantastically, which is very much due to the good start we got, and that in turn was very much due to the advice and support I got here.

Thank you, thank you, thank you and here's a large chunk of banana birthday cake with butter icing! And a large glass of something sparkly!

xx Doris

OP posts:
devondoris · 12/11/2007 19:29

Awwww! If I can manage it I'll stick a piccy or two up somewhere. Can I remember how?...

Pix - that's really cool! I'll find your address and mail you. What was the interview for? And what happened to Maidenhead? Or was it Marlow???

I'll come over to the other thread shortly. Must just get DD1 to bed!

OP posts:
MarsLady · 12/11/2007 16:37
Leoladyofleisure · 09/11/2007 20:42

Hi Doris,
Thanks back to you for all your advice and support as well! Congratulations on the boys first birthday!


piximon · 08/11/2007 09:39

Oooh Doris it's been tooooooo long. So long in fact that we're looking to move down to Devon soon so you won't be able to avoid us like it or not . My mum has an interview in Exeter today, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, if she gets it we'll be moved before Xmas. I haven't been able to find your email addy, but us oldies have all been missing you.

Can't believe it's almost a year since you came over, the boys must be huge! Can't wait to catch up with you properly.

oooggs · 08/11/2007 07:34

wow one already and you have survived!!!!!! please come back and join us on the d'ya ever thread I am in the PL12 area so am often up your way.

frumpygrumpy · 07/11/2007 22:40

Well! Would you look at what the cat dragged in! What time do you call this??

Hi Doris How great you popped in and its great to hear all is well. Wow, your DTs are one! I'll link you in to the current thread and I hope you are going to stay awhile........

Mars is in cuba flaunting it dancing but I think everyone else is still about, along with some adorable girls that have joined us since you buggered off got busy.

We're here ........ slash the kettle on love, it must be your turn

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