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How do you bottle feed twins at the same time?

30 replies

neonrainbow · 28/02/2017 17:56

I'm struggling with the guilt of the babies having to cry if im feeding the other one. Every day i try to get them on two different feeding schedules however they always manage to reset themselves so that during the day at least once they will want feeding at the same time. In the evenings and overnight my husband and i have one baby each so it's not a problem. How do you cope with feeding them both at the same time?

I've got a twin feeding pillow which ive tried, and also propped them both up on pillows side by side. The problem is i struggle to give each one the attention he needs to be able to have a full feed and struggle to wind them (theyre 9 weeks old, but were born 9 weeks early so essentially they're newborn) breastfeeding didn't work despite my best efforts. I feel so guilty that either one or both will end up falling asleep only having half his usual feed because i couldnt manage them at the same time! Also i can't stand the crying as they end up sounding so distressed.i must add i don't purposely leave them to cry. If im feeding one and the other wakes up ill usually interrupt the first one so i can give the second one something and then the first one falls asleep before i can get back to him. What worked for other people with feeding and winding two babies that are both crying at the same time?

OP posts:
Didiplanthis · 10/03/2017 06:23

I did mine in all sorts of weird positions. Remember it's a case of you do what you can to make things work and there is no right or wrong way. At home when tiny I proposed one on each knee and also had the tiny seats that attached to the wooden z shaped high chairs cant remember name ( baby brain not recovered - They are now at school ! ) which were like mini car seats with full harness. If strapped in I could push on the bottom with my foot which tipped it up enough to burp one while still feeding the other ! Also one wedged up in carry cot one on knee if out . As they got bigger 2 bouncy chairs me in the middle. I had one set upstairs and one set down stairs. And a really good cushion in the middle. I spent slot of time there. Twins clubs were good if you can get to one - No one bats an eyelid at anything you do. Normal baby groups singleton mummies stare,gasp in horror or say you can't do that it's not recommended. At this point you give them a baby to feed, or both if you want to prove a point.

purplehaze24 · 10/03/2017 06:40

I used a giant washable bean bag, l Laid a blanket or towel on it then made a little baby shaped hole for each little one. Sat with back against sofa and put bean bag between outstretched legs. Worked a treat 😃

littlebillie · 10/03/2017 06:44

My friend used baby bean bags to support hers, I would do mine one at a time and tif the other one was crying I would rub the tummy and sing. I got by but it is hard work and try to enjoy it as it passes so quickly Smile

minesapintofwine · 12/03/2017 15:51

I fed mine in car seats or bouncy chairs. Took a while but once I mastered that it became easier. They had a side by side pushchair and when out and about I would feed them in that. It gets easier! My dts are 5 and I no longer feel like I'm having to cope with logistics anymore.

klarka11 · 15/05/2017 22:23

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