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Twins due very soon, really panicking

37 replies

SoonToBeSix · 23/02/2014 13:50

I am being induced with my identical twin girls in less than two weeks am quite scared. Pregnancy was planned but still haven't got over the shock of two babies.
I have four other children youngest is only 18 months and he is quite full on.
I don't know anyone with twins near where I live ( Liverpool) does anyone know of any twin clubs or ways to get in contact with other mums.
Please tell me it will all be fine and I will cope as I feel quite tearful and anxious.

OP posts:
OiMissus · 02/03/2014 19:17

I hope you are all doing well.

chickenoriental · 28/02/2014 20:18

Huge congratulations!

Hope you're getting along ok?

Franchini · 27/02/2014 22:40

Ooh congrats by the way! How are you getting along so far? X

Franchini · 27/02/2014 22:40

Hi sorry for the delay! South Wales! I'm being induce next Friday. Yippee can't wait!

Callofthewild · 27/02/2014 14:48

Congratulations, what lovely names and good weights too for 34 weeks.

It will be hard but at the same time for me it is the most fantastic thing I have ever done. Don't worry if you don't have much help or routine (I have neither, other than approx 3 hour feeds) as it is still doable without these things!

Mabelface · 27/02/2014 13:20

Not bad weights at all. Hope they settle quickly for you and special care train them before sending them home, like they did with my three.

neversleepagain · 26/02/2014 21:25

Congratulations. Lovely names :) Thanks

SoonToBeSix · 26/02/2014 21:18

Thanks, 4lb 4 and 3lb 7 so good weights.

OP posts:
Mabelface · 26/02/2014 20:14

Congratulations to you all. What did they weigh?

beachesandbuckets · 26/02/2014 18:32

Congratulations, and well done. Hope your little babies are well enough to go home with you soon, and that you are having thr opportunity to rest x

SoonToBeSix · 26/02/2014 16:50

Thanks, the twins Anastasi a and Hop e were born yesterday around 9.30pm. One twin is in intensive care as she needs a line to remove some of her blood due to undiagnosed twin to twin transfusion syndrome and help with breathing. Other twin is in high dependancy but had to have a blood transfusion as she had severe anaemia. They are both doing well though. Thanks for supportive messages.

OP posts:
Mabelface · 26/02/2014 14:14

Best of luck! Mine were born at 33wks2days, with a 3 week stay in special care. They were weeny though, so it's no indication that yours will need that long.

MultipleMama · 26/02/2014 02:25

Good luck! :)

OiMissus · 25/02/2014 21:45

Good luck!
What a lovely thread!
I'm 41, with one DS. Ttc. Would love twins - just so I can have more all at once as I 'm getting old. Grin
I hope everything goes well for you all.
Good luck! X

beachesandbuckets · 25/02/2014 21:36

Good luck, wishing you all the best x x

sillymillyb · 25/02/2014 20:54

Oh good luck, I will be thinking of you Smile

neversleepagain · 25/02/2014 20:48

Good luck Thanks

My waters also went at 34 weeks.

andadietcoke · 25/02/2014 20:41

Good luck! Hope it all goes well Thanks

SoonToBeSix · 25/02/2014 20:04

Update: I went into labour this morning have my epidural sorted so just waiting for their arrival. Am
Only 34 weeks so they will need special care but been told they will be fine.

OP posts:
Linguaphile · 25/02/2014 14:43

Anda--seriously?? Why would someone say that? Holy rude, batman. I think the only time I cried was when a fellow twin mum who had managed to exclusively breastfeed for 2 years looked at me like I was a lazy git and said, "I never had ANY trouble breastfeeding MY twins" when I started feeding dts with bottles at 3 months. Cue tears and self-loathing.

I can't imagine what it would be like to have twins and 4 other kids, so lots of sympathy and no words of wisdom there, but as far as twins go, honestly having ours has been a real delight, especially since we got them on the same schedule and got a good routine. People are very understanding and willing to help, we've found. We've got enough volunteer sitters that we can have a night out once a week! Frozen meals are also a boon. You can assemble and freeze several slow cooker meals in one go, which is great.

Definitely get in touch with Tamba in your area--they're a great resource!

MultipleMama · 25/02/2014 13:35

It's okay to be overwhelmed. I had 4 DC before My times came along they're 5,2, MCMA dts 17mo, DCDA dts 21wo (12adj). The ID twins were 12mo when b/g twins were born.

It's chaotic, overwhelming, hard and somedays I feel like I'm drowning but after awhile a routines fall into the place. B/g twins are ebf on demand and one is high needs so we've had to adjust and learn new things.

We have frozen homemade meals to save time, we have a "basic" bedtime routine, we're also in the process of hiring a weekend housekeeper - can you afford something like this? We previously found it a great help.
As you have 4 already, I'm pretty sure and confident that your twins will blend in fine! :)

It's totally possible and doable without a breakdown Grin Congrats on your twins!

beachesandbuckets · 24/02/2014 23:02

Ps I cried on the way to the hospital to be induced, thought my life was over, felt so guilty for older kids, but everything turned out well. Pm me if you have any questions. PPS. I am breastfeeding, simply because (a) formula wld bankrupt us, (b) I can although appreciate many mums aren't able to, (C) its so much quicker as feed them together for 30 mins and have more time to do all the other stuff, (d) get to rest and eat biscuits!


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beachesandbuckets · 24/02/2014 22:57

Hello, don't be scared! I have 2 dcs (now 5 and 3) and my twins are now 6mths. We have survived, and you will too!!! As Mums we don't have much bloody choice anyway do we, who is going to sub for us?!
Don't listen to the horror stories, its not all bad. Second, go into it with very low expectations. I thought my life would be hell, so have been pleasently surprised. Three. Try to keep the older kids routine as same as you can, the babies just have to fit round it. Mine still go down at 7pm after bath/wash, story and song, albeit in very early days lulabies will done with 2 screaming babies on my shoulder! We were also fortunate to have spare room, so had a Moses basket on each side and I dealt with babies, so Dh was fresh to deal with kids during paternity leave/weekends and any of their night wakings.
Don't listen to horrible comments when out and about, I just glare now.
And I have survived by thinking that at least I have had older dcs, hats off to Dietcoke and others, I would have found having twins first time round really hard, at least you will remember all the stuff from before. Oh and cut corners, my babies have a bath only twice a week (older 2 had them nightly), jars (older 2 had pureed organic home made), go to sleep with older two larking around on landing (perfect silence and tip toes for older two), you get the picture, and as a result are very easy going and patient most of the time. Good luck x

SoonToBeSix · 24/02/2014 22:14

Diet coke that man was horrible what a awful thing to say.

OP posts:
SoonToBeSix · 24/02/2014 22:13

Thanks for the replies, they are reassuring will be taking up all
offers of help.
My babies are very much wanted its just scary when people say how hard twins are plus I have other children.
Ds still wakes for a feed in the night and I thought he would be sleeping through by now.

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