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Am I just being plain daft?!

3 replies

Tinks30 · 31/10/2012 07:19

And please feel free to be brutally honest because sometimes there's just no pleasing me!
I have 11month old id twin girls who I love so much. They are my whole world. Every Wednesday they go to my partners parents for a couple of hours which they love. They have lots of fun. There's two grandparents there so they get loads of attention. And it gives me a nice break to get on with washing, have a good tidy up or even catch up on some sleep.
And maybe I'm just being over sensitive because I've been stuck in bed with flu for the last 48 hours so I've hardly seen them but I'm so paranoid they're going to think their nanny is their mummy Sad
I know I'm being silly. They spout out mum mum and da da all the time - never in context though. But I hope they know I'm their mummy and not someone else.

OP posts:
Tinks30 · 31/10/2012 14:03

Grin lol! I knew I was being daft. Feeling sorry for myself I reckon x

OP posts:
ceeveebee · 31/10/2012 07:29

Hi Tinks - sorry you aren't feeling well. Yes you are being daft! I am back at work 3 days a week so don't see my 12 mo twins from 8am to 6pm (so just see them for an hour before and after work) 3 days in a row, and of course they still know I'm their mum. Wait until you see their faces light up when you get well enough to get out of bed and see them!

Goldensunnydays81 · 31/10/2012 07:27

Oh no poor you, hope you are feeling a bit better today, I remember thinking the same that my ds thought my sis was so much more fun than me and that he would think she was his mum Wink
But now at 2 he never stops shouting mumma at me and needs me to do everything for him, he especially likes shouting mumma at 2 in the morning!!
So don't worry Smile

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