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2 Miscarriages after having a successful pregnancy!!

49 replies

ktnixon · 16/01/2009 15:25

I have had 2 miscarriages last year after having my beautiful dayghter who is 4 years old.

One was a missed miscarriage & then the other was a "blighted ovum"

Would love to be able to have another baby but am so scared it will happen over & over again!!

Although we are not really trying at the moment we are not usung any form of contraception but would it be worth taking folic acid?

Also my period is due around now (never know exactly when as i am very irregular) but all i am getting is a brown discharge with tiny clots, just hope this is my period & not another miscarriage!!! xxx

OP posts:
bluesatinsash · 19/01/2009 21:48

Ange2005 - I had to read and re-read your post to take it in - what an awful time you have had, losing your beloved DS and suffering all those mc's without explanation, my heart just aches for you.

I truly hope and pray that you will get there and have the healthy lo you so so deserve.

Ange2005 · 19/01/2009 22:10

Thank you so much for your messages of support. I can't believe that all of this has happened. Each time we try I truly believe that it can happen and at some point our luck will change. I really don't know where we go from here but not sure that we're ready to give up yet. The miscarriages and the termination have been horrible but losing Fergus was the hardest thing ever. He was such a cutie - in a strange way he gives us lots of strength.

Take care,


ktnixon · 20/01/2009 10:27

belgo- I didnt need to do a test as my period started properly on saturday. I am relieved though as i have had 2 periods since my last miscarriage so i now know they are back to normal. I started taking pregnacare tablets with omega 3 tablets, which were in the same pack.

Ange2005- It must be awful losing a child & then having the miscarriages. I truly can't imagine what you went through losing your son. It is so good to hear that you havent given up hope.

OP posts:
teachertalk · 20/01/2009 12:03

Can I join in ? I has a scan yesterday and found out that I wasn't 8 weeks as I should have been but there was an empty sac (cyst like they called it-charming) that measured about 8mm (4-5 week size). Is this a chemical pg then? Cos the sac was empty they have to check my blood in the next 48 hours for hcg levels to rule out ectopic. They do think that it was just a very early pg that wasn't viable tho. Have had 3 mmc's over 2 years (6/7/8 weeks) and have had all blood tests twice with no problems showing. They put me on aspirin and progesterone this time which convinced me everything would be ok so am devastated. I have got a dd age 5 so don't understand why I now can't carry a child. I now hate being pg - the last 4 weeks have been horrible and I wonder whether I should just be grateful for the family I have. The last 3 years have all been geared towards 1. getting pg 2. being pg and knicker watching 3. mmc and d and c's. It takes over doesn't it?

Sorry to go on.

ktnixon · 20/01/2009 12:37

When i had my last miscarriage, which was an empty sac, they said it was like a phantom pregnancy. I am sure i coped better knowing that there wasnt a baby there but i went through12 weeks of feeling so tired & grumpy & sick. My poor husband & daughter must have thought i was the devil.

It really got me that that was all for nothing.

I know what you mean about it taking over, at the moment i am trying not to think about it & we arent actively trying just seeing what happens!!!

OP posts:
lobeov · 20/01/2009 13:03

Ktnixon I feel the same way..I'm going lo let time decide.

Take care

teachertalk · 20/01/2009 13:17

What really bugs me is how can our bodies deceive us like that? I have very little faith in my body now and if I ever tried again - not sure about this at the moment - wouldn't trust the pg signs at all. Last time I had an early scan at 6 weeks and saw heartbeat but then had mmc at 10 weeks ( pg stopped at 8 week). This time refused to have early scan cos of false reassurance but then this happened - kicking myself for not going at 6 weeks now.

lobeov · 20/01/2009 13:48

teachertalk, have to talk to your doctor about having scans everyweek?That could give reasurance.
I have the same thing saw hb at 7 1/2 weeks and went for my regular check up at 11 weeks and no hb they said bb stop growing at 8 weeks,so I had a DC done last friday.
But If I get pg again I will have an scan every week.

bluesatinsash · 20/01/2009 13:55

oh teachertalk - I could have written your post! So sorry for your loss... I've heard an empty gestation sac being referred to as a 'blighted ovum'.

DH and me are taking a 6-month break as like you I just can't go through more getting pg, knicker checking, scan from hell, ERPC...

I had suspicions with my first mc that things were not well as I had no MS and intermittent bleeding but last pg I was sick as a dog (just like I was with DS) NO bleeding and even when the scan showed bean had stopped growing at 6 weeks I couldn't even take comfort in a glass of wine as I was still throwing up every day.

I now think there are NO 'reassuring' signs and we are at the mercy of mother nature

Ange2005 - how are you today? I love the name Fergus - are you Scottish (like my good self?)

bluesatinsash · 20/01/2009 13:57

I second that lobeov - I will ask for weekly scans from 5 weeks next time (if there is one,please God). There's some evidence that close monitoring and care can reduce the number of mcs..

Ange2005 · 20/01/2009 18:13

Hello everyone,
bluesatinash, I was born in England but Mum is Scottish. DH is Irish so Fergus seemed like the perfect name (took us ages to decide!)

I'm doing okay today. I think my survival gene has kicked in and I'm just trying to do normal stuff. I was really low last Christmas and I just don't want to go there again. I've started running again (I am NOT a natural!) - this normally happens after a crisis but helps to maintain some sanity!

I know what everyone means about this completely taking over your life.

Take care,


Ange2005 · 20/01/2009 18:13

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

eveningall · 20/01/2009 19:40

Reading this makes me realise what so many on us go through. Really sorry to hear all your stories. KTnixon, I know my story is like so many others but if it makes you feel better please don't worry too much. I had a miscarriage before my DS who is now nearly 4, then 2 miscarriages and I am now 16 weeks pregnant. Normally they won't investigate miscarriages until you have 3 in a row but it might be worth seeing if you can get a consultant's opinion if it makes you feel better - I know others who have sought advice before risking another one and it may be a good option. Also, not that this thread is about me but I currently have some pink mucous / discharge / spotting and they are looking to see with my history (D&C and also cervical cancer treatment ages ago) whether I may now have an incompetent cervix. You could speak to someone about that too - worth mentioning because if they know that you have one they can put a stich in very early on in pregnancy.

Hope it all goes wellx

barley2 · 20/01/2009 21:50


I don't know if this will help some people- I'm a bit lost in a fog myself at the moment but here's my story. I have a 18 month old dd, concieved without difficulty, no bleeding or probs during pregnancy etc. I've now had 2 mmc where the babies have died at around 6 weeks and have been reabsorbed rather than miscarried. This has been horrific for me but not unexpected as my sister had unexplained infertility after having her ds for 7 years and I knew I had a strong chance of the same thing happening to us. It turns out that her infertility was due to immunity problems between her and her husband (linked to blood groups, ours are the same). This is also a cause of unexplained miscarriage, especially after 1 live birth as the immunity problem only develops after the first child. We are going for (expensive) tests to confirm that this is what is happening for us. As I understand it they don't test for this on the NHS and if it wern't for my sister I could have gone on for years having more mc's and have been told that there were no causes for them.

eveningall · 20/01/2009 22:00

Hi barley2, my friend has this problem- I think it is known an Rhesus negative. She had her first DD no problem but it came up during that pregnancy via blood tests that any further pregnancies would mean that she needed anti-D injections to stop the baby being rejected. She is now 7 mths pg with her second and as far as I know there have been no problems - she has to go for regular jabs though.

Good luckx

lobeov · 20/01/2009 22:23

Hi all .. I thought that is only if the mother is RH-?

Ange2005 · 21/01/2009 08:44

Thanks Barley2, that's really useful information.

Just in case you're wondering, the post I removed above was because I'd been a twit and managed to post the same thing twice. I thought they would just remove it!

Take care everyone.


Daynee · 21/01/2009 15:39

Hey nixon - How are things? I think like some others said - odds are good for you. I am in somewhat of a different boat - no babies yet to speak of! Of course everyone says it will be'll have lots of kids...hmmm . If you are really worried, maybe you could have some tests run. I was going to do that after my 2nd mc but then we got preggers again and oops - it happened again. So now I'm just waiting to do the tests...

teachertalk - You've had all the blood tests done? Have you had an hsg? Did they do a chromosome test on your dh? Just trying to suggest things that maybe you haven't done. I'm getting everything done and I'm actually praying that they find something because I won't be able to stand to hear, "It's just bad luck." ARG!!!!!!!!!!

NattyPlus2andAHalf · 21/01/2009 15:51

i had two mc's.. one was missed too, so i know how you feel. i have 2 DC already and it was shock to me after two perfectly fine pregnancies.
im pleased to report being 15 weeks pregnant now having had scans galore for the last month
seems it was bad luck, thats all, and from speaking to alot of ladies on here is seems 2 mc one after the other is common.

so dont worry im sure you'll be fine. if your ready to, keep trying. the fact you have had one baby means there is unlikely to be anything wrong, just bad luck xx

Ange2005 · 21/01/2009 16:50


Can you give any more details about the tests you are going to have. I am rhesus negative and would be keen to learn a bit more.

Thank you.


teachertalk · 22/01/2009 11:25

Daynee- yes had all bloods done twice and dh had test. What is hsg? Even tho the tests were clear they said to try aspirin and progesterone which I did. I don't think that it would have made any difference to this pg as it seems to have ended after only a few days rather than after a heartbeat like the other 3 mmc's. (that is what I am telling myself in case we decide to have another go )

The prof Lesley Regan book is quite good if anyone wants details about research, tests,etc of mc. Easy to read I got it cheap on Amazon and found it useful last time. It is called 'miscarraige-what every woman wants to know'

barley2 · 22/01/2009 17:32

Hi Ange2005 -

Not sure what the tests are that we're going to have, I think that they are testing for antibodies in my blood stream.I read up a lot about it all and as I understand it if you are rhesus negative you should have been/ be given an anti d injection during and after preganacy to stop you rejecting the next pregnancy (I think you should also get it after a miscarriage). This is really effective and well established. I'm actually not rhesus negative but my partner is and it seems like it can be a problem this way around, although the research into it is very new and the anti-d injection doesn't work in my case. It seems a bit odd that they know there can be a problem is the mother is rhesus negative but haven't really thought about a problem with the father.

ktnixon · 23/01/2009 14:38

I am rhesus negative too, had to have anti d injections after having my daughter. I also had to have them after each miscarriage.
I havent heard if being rhesus negative could cause a problem or not!!

OP posts:
lobeov · 25/01/2009 04:32

How is everybody??

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