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Miscarriage after 1st ivf try

2 replies

LR25 · 29/11/2017 08:18

Yesterday I went for my 7 week scan for my first ivf attempt with a day 5 really good egg put back, to find out I had lost the baby early on. I had taken a pregnancy test day before test day, day of test day and two days after that, all said a faint positive. Im going for round two of ivf but I'm so worried it will fail or the same thing will happen, does anyone have a positive out come?

OP posts:
Hanim79 · 07/12/2017 17:54

Hello LR25,
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks after my first IVF so know exactly how your feeling x

Dorabean · 04/12/2017 12:48

I'm really sorry for your loss. I think in most cases, just because it happened once doesn't mean it'll happen again. I really hope things work out for you!

I wish I could offer more advice for you, sorry!

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