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Doubling up on hrt patches - estrogen implant suggested

7 replies

limon · 17/07/2016 15:33

Omg. I have been perimenopausal (I'm48) for a couple of years and on hrt. I've been convinced for some time I'm not quite getting enough hormones. Specialist has tested my blood and lo and behold I wasn't absorbing properly. So she's suggested using two patches at a time and wow! I feel amazing - so much so that I've been able to decrease my citaloprsm dose ton10mg a day.

She's suggesting an estrogen implant - anyone got any experience?

OP posts:
PollyPerky · 18/07/2016 19:35

Elleste Solo are tablets. They are oestrogen only. 2mgs is the highest dose.

What is the name of your patch?
Have you had a hysterectomy and is that why you are on oestrogen only ( if you are!)

limon · 18/07/2016 19:20

I'm on the Elleste solo patches GP says they are the highest dose.

OP posts:
limon · 18/07/2016 19:18

I'm on the Elleste patch

OP posts:
PollyPerky · 17/07/2016 19:16

It's quite unusual to need such high oestrogen during peri( unless someone has had their ovaries removed or a hysterectomy.)

The highest dose patch is 100mcgs- are you using 2 x that?

Has your consultant discussed the pros and cons of the implant? My understanding is that it's quite risky in some ways and the effects can last for some time even if it's removed.

PollyPerky · 17/07/2016 18:00

what strength is it? Which patch (brand) do you use?

limon · 17/07/2016 17:45

I'm on the highest dose patch X 2

OP posts:
PollyPerky · 17/07/2016 17:22

The only issue with those is it's hard to remove them if they don't suit you.

Can't you use a patch with a higher dose instead of doubling up? What dose were you on?

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