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Average age for start of menopause?

7 replies

TenbyChristmas · 06/06/2013 20:44

Quick query - for those at the start of menopause - what age are you? My mother and sister started theirs at 42 and I've just turned 41- my periods are still regular but now very light and I've been having sweats in the night and I can't help but wonder if this is it?! Is there a test to determine if you're starting it? Ta ever so x

OP posts:
valiumredhead · 23/06/2013 18:36

I'm 43 and during the last few months things are definitely on the change. Hot flushes and erratic period, very emotional and teary too.

fishandmonkey · 21/06/2013 17:01

glastocat - why are you doomed?
isn't late menopause good?
i've just been told i'm perimenopausal and i'm only 33 (and was ttc). i consider myself doomed!

Littleballofhate · 08/06/2013 04:52

I am 48 and have started missing periods in the last 6 months. My periods have become much lighter. Pmt has become worse. I have begun taking vitamin B and evening primrose oil to ( hopefully) alleviate some of my symptoms. I have not had any hot flashes, but seem to be more sensitive to being warm.

glastocat · 08/06/2013 03:47

Well it's true, it turned out she had fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy.

bella65 · 07/06/2013 12:32

60 is very unusual. Have never read about anyone past 58 unless they had some kind of irregular bleeding afterwards. Not saying I don't believe you- just saying it is very unlikely anyone would go to that age.

glastocat · 07/06/2013 08:36

My mum was 60! And me granny had her last baby in her late 40s. I'm doomed!

bella65 · 07/06/2013 08:33

Look at the Daisy Network website for prem menopause.

Average age in UK is 51-52.

If you are having meno 10 years earlier than average you must take HRT- this is not the same as women taking it who are in their 50s as you would be putting back what you ought to have in your early 40s.

You need to see your GP and they can do blood tests- if they don't take you seriously see another dr!

Your mum and sister - not sure of their ages now- should think about having bone scans for osteoporosis which is much more likely in women with early meno, who are not taking HRT. No one should leave this until they break a bone on their 60s and then need treatment.

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