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SW London meet-up - let's try again!

54 replies

CountessDracula · 03/02/2004 11:30

OK you lot, after our failed attempt in November let's give it another go.

Shall we stick to Strada in Richmond as everyone seemed happy with that?

When and who? I'm up for any weekend between mid feb and end of March at the moment.

OP posts:
fisil · 12/03/2004 13:16

I have to say I agree with CD about Fridays. Right now I am not in the mood for making future plans. My diary says "Monday: D&C" and kinds of stops there for the time being! So go ahead and make plans and I'm sure I'll be free. Someone else said Sunday suited them better, didn't they?

madgirl · 12/03/2004 15:09

OK will if you guys go ahead at any point and do a saturday i will see if i can make it. fisil that was probably me!!! CD can you bear sundays? what about sunday lunch? or should i just shut up?

madgirl · 17/03/2004 08:35

FISIL - have just re-read this message. are you OK? so sorry i didn't see it before, that'll teach me to speed read messages. sending you masses of hugs xx

fisil · 17/03/2004 08:36

Thanks Madgirl. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. Life is now back in action, and I am back drinking again! So shall we name a date?

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