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BRIGHTON Christmas meet up

178 replies

2shoes · 10/10/2010 10:57

date needed
Mabs and I can't do 11th December.
can I suggest 4th December or 18th December

OP posts:
2shoeprintsintheblood · 23/10/2010 23:18

bump as needs to be bookes

2shoeprintsintheblood · 26/10/2010 16:16

so only 3 of us going????

come on folks

TruthSweet · 26/10/2010 16:50

I can bring the DDs if you want to make up the numbers

northernmonkey · 26/10/2010 18:02

Hello :)
Been back in brighton just a few months now, but can i come?
I'll have to see a bit nearer the time what dh is working but would be lovely to meet you all if your not too scarey Grin

2shoeprintsintheblood · 26/10/2010 21:28

we are lovely honest

TruthSweet · 26/10/2010 21:33

I'm scary after I've been on the pepsi max so I promise to only have one Wink and I'll be normal(ish). The rest of the Brighton lot and the small Crawley contingent are v v v nice.

northernmonkey · 27/10/2010 08:49

Well make sure we dont go anywhere that does Pepsi Max then Grin

Well Dh's new rots changes on the 15th nov so i'll know for definate what time he's on then. I know it doesnt leave much time for booking though

northernmonkey · 27/10/2010 08:50

That should say new rota! Really need to check my spellings before i post Blush

shortandsweet2 · 27/10/2010 13:21


I don't think I will be able to make it but if my party gets cancelled will let you know


MABS · 27/10/2010 18:27

you have to come shortandsweet, look forward to meet others i not met x

(hey girls, sorry to go off topic, looks like ds' surgery just may have damn well worked!!!)

PestoEatsPumpkinsandSurfers · 27/10/2010 18:41

That's fab news Mabs [hsmile] [hsmile] [hsmile]

I am going to try and come on the Christmas bash, so please count me in.

Tortington · 28/10/2010 01:35

and me

shortandsweet2 · 28/10/2010 06:38

MABS so please for E that is fantastic!!

Ah just seen it is a day time one and not evening, therefore I shall be there :o

Are get going to have a meet up before christmas?

SirBoobAlot · 28/10/2010 21:05

And me! Sorry been a weird few days!

SirBoobAlot · 28/10/2010 21:05

Ohh MABS just seen your post - that's fab, will keep everything crossed [hgrin]

2shoeprintsintheblood · 28/10/2010 23:22

Sirboobalot don't forget your doing the booking

lowrib · 29/10/2010 00:32

Me too! I'm up for it [hgrin]

lowrib · 29/10/2010 00:36

MABs, that's great news! Brilliant! [hgrin] [hgrin]
I'm really happy for you both.

SirBoobAlot · 29/10/2010 10:00

I remembered 2shoes [hwink] If I wait a few days to see if anyone else decides to come, I'll book it then, and can always change numbers for anyone who adds after.

So 4th of December

Mmm, can taste the wine already...

MABS · 29/10/2010 11:47

so can i xx

brightongirldownunder · 01/11/2010 18:14

I'm finally back and settled..
Not sure if anyone remembers me, but be lovely to get my social life going again...
Any chance this beachball could join in? I'm going to have to watch you all drink though as I'll only have 6 weeks to go before I pop

2shoes · 03/11/2010 18:23

would be lovely to meet you at last

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MABS · 06/11/2010 09:16

please do come brightongirldownunder

SirBoobAlot · 08/11/2010 14:15

Right am booking today..

SirBoobAlot · 09/11/2010 18:12

RIGHT ladies.

Strada want a £5 pp booking fee, and have a set menu - one of £19.99 and the other of £24.99 - I'll post them up here once DS is in bed. Its a rather limited menu (and there's no garlic bread Shock) and has to be handed in before.

Personally am not so keen having seen it, but will go with what the majority say!

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