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Low-carb diets

So I'm loving it, but I'm not losing weight.

37 replies

SleepFreeZone · 21/04/2017 09:26

I've been low carbing for three weeks. I did drop a pound and a half initially but nothing for the last week.

I'm eating veggies that grow above the ground. Cheese, eggs, meat (moderately). I'm having oils, mayonnaise. I am allowing myself a couple of glasses of full fat milk a day as I'm still breast feeding morning and evening and once through the night. I'm wondering if that's what's scuppering me?

I have about 12lbs to lose. Have a BMI of under 25 so not overweight.

My day might look like:

Cup of tea
2 x fried eggs on a heap of salad with mayo

Glass milk
Cup of tea
Some stir fried vegetables with prawns and salad

Cup of tea
Half avocado, some roast beef, salad, sprinkling cheese.

No fruit, no yogurt, loads of leaves. What do you think?

OP posts:
WorkingBling · 22/04/2017 22:40

I am reducing carbs (not cutting out) and have had very little impact on my weight on scales. But I have been measuring with a tape measure and am seeing real changes. So I am not stressing about the kg changes.

ofudginghell · 22/04/2017 22:56

Humphrey not restricting carbs as I eat tons of veg and there's a lot in the amount I eat.
I also have the odd Cheese night.
Last night in fact 😂
Wendeydale,Brie,Stilton and some vintage cheddar with water buscuits and chutney.

By eating the low carb (gained from veg not bread or pasta etc)but still having fat but not all the time has given me loads of energy and I've lost and kept off just over a stone.

I think it's moderation and eat until your comfortable not stuffed.

Op if your feeling less bloated and more energetic it's working for you

teenyteen · 24/04/2017 14:28

I'm on my third week of Atkins, the scales are saying I have lost weight but can't see it at all and my clothes fit exactly the same :/ anyone else experienced this? Xx

ofudginghell · 24/04/2017 23:25

I tried Atkins once but struggled to keep myself in ketoses
Also had zero energy and felt sluggish all the time

SleepFreeZone · 29/04/2017 11:22

Ok so what I'm going is definitely not working. I came back of holiday yesterday having stuck to plan even in the face of chocolate and cake and I'm exactly the same as I was previously. Stuck at 10 stone 12.

I think I'm going to have to be much more mindful of calories sadly. I cut down on the milk but was eating things like bacon and cheese and fatty meats like duck. This obviously works for some people but sadly not for me.

OP posts:
MrsMeeseeks · 03/05/2017 19:41

Sorry to hear it's not working out for you. LCHF doesn't work for everyone. Have you considered doing the 8-week Blood Sugar diet?

MrsMeeseeks · 03/05/2017 19:42

Actually, scrap that - just saw you are breast feeding!

RunRabbitRunRabbit · 03/05/2017 19:52

I no longer lose weight easily on low carb. Throw in a fast day or two though and it falls off me (even on non-fast days). I have no idea why. It all changed mid-forties.

DisappearingFish · 03/05/2017 20:02

Are you doing any exercise?

toffeeboffin · 03/05/2017 20:04

320 cals in two glasses of ff milk.
That'll hinder weight loss.

Redken24 · 03/05/2017 20:08

Have u tried measuring yourself instead f weighing?

Sparkle64 · 09/07/2017 06:12


I am new to mumsnet. I am a serial diet who is desperate to lose 2 stone. Willpower is a problem so hoping joining the forum will help. Anyone doing low carb high fat with any success?

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