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Low-carb diets

It starts today but help make it last!

28 replies

MrsTatum1980 · 05/05/2015 11:25

I know bootcamp starts next week but my head is there now so I'm starting low carbing today...again! And there is the problem.
How do people sustain this WOE? I can manage about a fortnight especially if the results are good from a weight loss viewpoint but then I crack! Once I fall off the low carbing, I fall off it big time and binge, destroying the good work.
So how do you sustain it for the long term? How do you make it fit in with every day life and be able to have the occasional takeaway? Eat out? Any support would be gratefully received as I'm feeling determined and want this to work!

OP posts:
MrsTatum1980 · 07/05/2015 19:51

I've heard good things about celeriac chips too so I'll attempt some celeriac experiments.

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AStoneBeforeChristmas · 07/05/2015 21:38

Cup of tea, full fat Greek yogurt with a few blueberries for breakfast
Lunch was salad with brie, ham, coleslaw
Yesterday's tea was enchiladas (without the wrap) with vegetables
Lots of water and tea and coffee.
Unfortunately, this evening we've just had a Chinese takeaway but I ordered it so chose lots of meats in sauce. Have avoided noodles and rice so hopefully ok. Plus I had a glass of white wine. Cadbury Swiss Gateau has just arrived with a cup of one of the babies has been throwing up all day so part of me (the part that's had the wine) feels I deserve it!

MrsTatum1980 · 09/05/2015 17:01

Having a day 5 wobble here! Had a pub lunch out and stuck to LC with a rump steak salad but I did snaffle one measly onion ring and then feel guilty! I think I would have killed for a dessert but managed to resist!
I'm not feeling hungry but it's so hard to break the boredom/ food equals a treat eating habits! I have 2 hours of peace and quiet , normally I'd have bought a family sized bag of crisps and choc buttons with crap mags as my treat (bliss!) instead I'm browsing MN with a pint of water...I'm not going to lie, it's not as good!

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