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Low-carb diets

peanut butter?

7 replies

sweetheart · 28/07/2014 15:30

Trying to stay as low carb as possible this week pre holiday. Can anyone tell me if peanut butter on celery is ok for a snack?

OP posts:
Iamblossom · 28/07/2014 17:14

I don't ever crave sweet things anymore, and if I did I would have a coffee with cream. You will find this happens to you if you do it for long enough too.

Maybe have strawbs/blueberries and double cream?

sweetheart · 28/07/2014 16:16

miffy that's not going to happen in the short term though - I go on holiday in less than 2 weeks so just trying to do as best I can until then.

OP posts:
miffy49 · 28/07/2014 16:15

The idea is to try and train yourself away from sweet things. Once you get into it you will find your tastes change and things you never though of as sweet actually taste sweet to you. I never thought the day would come when I found a tiny square of chocolate more than enough but it doesn't take much sugar to make me quite nauseous now.

sweetheart · 28/07/2014 16:09

what about if you need something sweet?

OP posts:
TheHoundsBitch · 28/07/2014 15:53

Duerr's crunchy peanut butter is the lowest carb I have found at around 5g per 100. Love a spoonful with cinnamon sprinkled on top :) Almond butter is a nice LC alternative too.

Iamblossom · 28/07/2014 15:46

every now and again, but peanuts are quite carby and peanut butter has lots of added sugar...

Boiled egg?
celery and salt?
piece of cheese?
pork scratchings? (awfully posh ones are the best)

These are the things I eat for snacks

whatdoesittake48 · 28/07/2014 15:42

Make sure the peanut butter is sugar free (read the labels because there are very few brands that don't add sugar). Then weigh the amount of peanut butter you use and add the carb to your overall count for the day.

Keep under 20grams for maximum weight loss.

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