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Low-carb diets

Anyone else getting carb flu symptoms EVERY morning?

4 replies

DalmationStripe · 22/07/2014 09:24

I've been low carbing for about a week now. I had the most horrendous carb flu on day 2-5 but feeling much better now. But every morning when I get up, I can't stop shaking, sweating, no energy, extremely thirsty... which goes away about 20 minutes after I eat breakfast.

Does anyone else get this? Also I keep waking up really early (even before the DC!) because I feel so terrible.

OP posts:
DalmationStripe · 25/07/2014 19:40

I've been drowning my dinner in Salt and I try and eat some yoghurt (or other snack) and drink a glass of water just before I go to bed and it's made a huge difference. I still feel a bit shaky in the morning but it's nowhere near as bad.

Thank you for asking. Smile

OP posts:
BIWI · 25/07/2014 18:24

How are you feeling now, DalmationStripe?

DalmationStripe · 22/07/2014 17:21

Thanks for the reply. That does make sense as my blood pressure is naturally at the lower end of normal.

I already drink loads, even before I started low carbing (I think it's because I'm breast feeding) but I'll try and drink more. Lots of salt on my dinner tonight and a snack before bed. Thanks again, hopefully that will help.

OP posts:
whatdoesittake48 · 22/07/2014 13:44

Many people suffer with low blood pressure early in the morning - I do too. Your body is producing those symptoms because it wants you to lie down (blood can travel more easily around your body when lying). This is what fainting is for - it is a very quick way to get your head lower than your legs!

Low blood pressure can be caused by not enough water - your blood gets thick, making it difficult for it to travel around your body effectively.

With the hot weather you may find this is more of an issue for you.

So advice is: drink plenty of water, even over night. Add plenty of salt to your diet as a ketogenic diet will deplete salt and try eating last thing before bed (low carb of course).

You will sleep less when low carbing - not sure why.

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